The Dark Hand (S1: Ep 1)

253 4 7

(A/N: My 8-year-old self is squealing with joy right now :D).


Jackie, along with a team of archaeologists, walk along a dark hall within an abandoned German castle. One of the archaeologists is finishing telling the story of the king who once lived there.

"And Mad King Ludwig would invite guests into the Castle Linderhof, where they would fall victim to any of his dozens of deadly traps".

"Rude", one of the guys commented.

"Hah, that's why his name was not Lovable Ludwig or Good Neighbor King of Bavaria". Jackie joked. Something ahead of their path catches his attention and he stops the others from walking forward. "Ah! Stand back".

He reveals a thin wire running across either end of the hall using a small can of spray paint. It was most likely a boobytrap.

One of the guys didn't believe that it still worked however. "Ah, come on, what are the odds that these traps still—"

Jackie takes his cap from his head and carefully drops it on top of the wire, which promptly triggered two large blocks to jolt from either side of the walls, crashing together.

The guy's jaw dropped and Jackie placed his cap back on, proving his point.

The group continues forward and stops in front of a heavy stone door. Jackie sticks two of his fingers into a skull's empty eye sockets and pulls, causing the door to open and reveal a room filled with lots of golden treasure.

"Ludwig's lost treasure!" One of the archaeologists says.

"I'm sure the booty is booby-trapped, so don't—"

Before Jackie could finish, one of the guys race ahead excitedly and grabbed a jewel-encrusted golden sword from the treasure pile, causing the entire room to shake.

"...touch anything".

As the stone door begins to slide shut, Jackie picks up a spear and kicks it in its path, wedging the door open momentarily. "Go! Go! Go!"

His companions flee the treasure room, but Jackie fails to reach the door in time before it seals shut.

"Bad day", he says. Suddenly, dozens of arrows shoot across the room from either side of the walls. Jackie does a couple of flips while trying to avoid them. "Bad day! Bad day! Bad day! Bad day! Bad day!"

He switches to running and spots a golden shield from the treasure pile. He rushes to it and uses it to deflect the incoming arrows before leaping up the wall to an opening, where he descends down a steep slope, using the top of the shield as a sled.

Just as the other archaeologists exit the castle, Jackie breaks through one of its walls and onto the mountainside, sliding toward the castle's main entrance and stopping in front of the others.

"Snowboarding works much better with snow". He tells them as he gets off the shield.

Unbeknownst to him however, he had 2 groups watching him from a distance. One of the groups had a bald man in a black jacket, along with a woman spying on Jackie through a pair of binoculars.

"Follow him", the man orders.

The second group was on the other side of the distance. This time it was another man with white hair and a green suit. He had 4 people with him while he was also spying on Jackie through a pair of binoculars. 

"Follow him", he orders the others.

<<Theme Song Plays Here>>

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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