Chapter 1

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As mammal and his friends where Jedi's knights of the Republic and fight besides their clone troopers that fought besides the Jedi's but Mammal and his friends didn't know what will happen soon to come.

Mammal's pov
I was teaching Niamh to fight with her lightsabers better but too me she's better in each other way of fight style she fights against the battle droids. She ran up to me as she jumped into the air as I turned on my green lightsaber as I deflected and dodged the attack from Niamh, she kicked me into my gut as I fell down onto the hard ground as I drop my lightsaber onto the ground as I tried to use the force to grab it but master yoda said hmm teaching her again I see hmm? Said master yoda, yes master I am I said back too master yoda, he's a great teacher master yoda said Niamh as she looked at me as she smiled at me, I smiled back at her as I said thanks Niamh, you're welcome Mammal said Niamh. Mammal walk with me said a other Jedi master, it was anaink skywalker, master skywalker I said, master mammal said anaink, what is you need? I asked him, there's been a mission for you and Niamh your Padawan and your other friends rogue and prime said master skywalker. So what's the mission? I ask him, the mission is too proteaking my wife padme he said too me, wait what? You have a wife? Jedi's can't fell in love I said too anaink skywalker. But I did he said too me, okay it will be done I said too him, thanks and please take care of her for me master skywalker said too me, we will I promise I said.

Later on planet lothal where padme is at.

We landed our ship down onto the ground as we walked out of our ship as clone troopers where behind us.

I dont like this mission said prime, oh come on what can go wrong on this mission? Said rogue, I had sensed something moving in the force as I put on of my hands on my forehead, Niamh looked at me and said Mammal are you okay? No...there's something wrong I said as our clone troopers pointed their blasters at us and opened fired at us. We all turned on our lightsabers as we deflected the shots right back at the clones and killed them all, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!? Said rogue. I don't know said prime, I think I know said Niamh as she shows us a hologram video of a man in a hood saying it's is time... execute order 66 the man said in the hologram video, that's why they attacked us for? Said prime, probably but we have too go back to the Jedi temple I said as we all run into our ship and took off planet too the Jedi temple.

Too be continued.........
I hope you like this new book of mine. Tell me if you want to be in it, I'll be updating it again but it will be longer chapter the next time.

And remember the force will always be with you all...


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