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━ Y/n walked through the hallway feeling tired from the recent events that took place

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Y/n walked through the hallway feeling tired from the recent events that took place. It ws starting to get dark when the baseball match ended, Resulting in Tokyo students winning but I think we all saw that coming.

She felt down, Empty, Because the failed assassination took place earlier, She hated that feeling so much. She knew the whole Jujutsu tech got raided by outsiders, and she didn't wanted to make it all about herself but she had the feeling that the Curse Spirit was specially assigned to execute her, and here's why.

"Now I understand why they want to get rid of you.."

That time, Y/n heard the Curse Spirit's oddly robotic voice vaguely.

She was about to turn left in the hallway when she heard a muffled voice she knew all too well.

Gakuganji seemed to be conversing with someone, "-I didn't knew that monster got that strong! She was weak that's why I specially sent Kei-", She heard it loud and clear, She heard how frustrated he sounded, How frustrated he was because she was alive and breathing.

Y/n took a deep breath trying not to have a break down, But how could she avoid that when her heart was already beating rapidly, Her hands were shaking uncontrollably, A dull feeling was settled in her chest as her eyes felt watery.

She turned away, Walking back to her dorm while using the wall as support, Feeling light headed. You might be thinking she's overreacting but, That's what a panic attack feels like.

Her heart was beating rapidly as her lips quivered, She could barely open the room of the dorm, Her hands were shaking as she fumbled with the door knob, As soon as she opened the knob she ran inside and shut the door, Sliding her back down it.

There stood Megumi, Trying to register what he just saw as his feet were frozen on the ground. Was she actually shaking? It all happened way too quickly for him to tell. He rushed to her room, Stoping right at the door.

He was contemplating if he should ask if she's alright, Were they at that level of being friends yet? He thought maybe she, too, liked to be alone when she wasn't okay. He slowly turned around before he heard a thump coming inside from her room.

"Screw it." Megumi turned around, His heart beating rapidly as he raised his fist and wrapped it around the door, Knocking firmly. Twice. "Y/n, Are you okay?" He tried to sound as soft as he could. Not wanting to scare her. He heard nothing for about 3 minutes before he heard some shuffling.

"Yes.. I'm- I'm okay."

He was sure she wasn't, So he did something that he didn't even meant to. His heart felt like it was going to jump out of his ribcage as he pushed the door open. And god was he glad that he opened it.

Y/n was crouched next to her bathroom door, Violently shaking and that sight broke Megumi to no end. He was quick to close the door and rush towards her, Trying to be as gentle and calm as he could with his actions because if he himself panicked, It would make her panic attack worse.

"L/n-san, It's okay.. I- I am here, Always- There's nothing to be afraid off- It's, it's fine." He didn't knew what to say or do so he said every reassuring thing he could and hoped that something would give her comfort. "I.. Dont... w-want you to, To see- me like this- I-" She stopped speaking and just hid herself.

"No, L/n-San, It's okay." Megumi was freaking out on the inside, He didn't care about calling her from her last name, That was the last thing on his mind right now. He was yet to be accustomed to call her by her first name.

"It's okay, I understand, You're very strong L/n-San. You're.. You're safe with me, Trust me. I'll be here for as long as you want to, I want to be here for you-" He tried to be very soft and comforting, Being very careful as to not to overwhelm her or scare her.


egumi slightly touched her to see if she would flinch, She didn't. She was still shaking and crying. He then lightly pressed his hand on her shoulder to see if she would flinch, And when she didn't;

Megumi embraced her fragile frame, Very delicately, Very gently, So gently that Y/n felt like someone draped a thin cotton blanket around her. She felt warm, She felt like she was hidden from the dangerous and cruel world. She liked that sheild, She liked his embrace.

The Kokujū user slowly started to lean into his touch, Very slightly calming down, Her body wasn't violently shaking anymore, Her hands were. "Do you want me to carry you to the bed, L/n-san? The floor is.. Cold. But it's fine if you find it comfortable." He quietly asked and softly ran his hands down her shoulder and arms, To calm it down a bit.

"Bed." Y/n said, Almost inaudible but Megumi heard it. He was very careful when he picked her up, Making sure to rest her heard against his chest so he could cover her eyes since that way she couldn't see anything because he felt like she was scared to face the light. He tried his best to be gentle when he held her up bridal style, Keeping his hands to the areas he felt like she wouldn't be uncomfortable with being touched. He softly placed her on the bed, Quickly sitting with her and pulling her back into his chest, Cradling her head.

He stayed like that for good 20 minutes and when he felt her calm down, he took a deep breath. Waiting few more minutes before speaking, "Do you want to talk about it, L/n-San?" He was gentle while breaking the silence, as to not scare her. "Not yet.." He voice felt strained and different. He hugged her tad bit tightly, Lightly squeezing the hand he was now holding, "Okay."

He gave her few more minutes as he kept silent, Sending that she was slowly getting better. He felt her move around his chest as he looked down to see her finally pulling away from his chest, Keeping her head down and taking a deep breath as if she was trying to prepare herself to face her surroundings. He once again gave her hand a very light squeeze to let her know she'd safe.

She looked up finally, Eyes half lidded, Puffy and red. Her nose was red too and she looked a little pale, but she was glowing for some odd reason. The way she glanced at Megumi was like he was some sort of saviour, Y/n felt so safe and secure in his arm. "I am ready to talk."

Megumi felt relieved to hear that her voice was clear and stable now, "It's okay if you don't want to, I'll stay either way." He said, As Y/n felt warm inside, She thought alot about if she was okay with being vulnerable and opening up before she decided, "I'm sure." She said and looked down as Megumi nodded, Again squeezing her hand lightly.

"Can you open the window before I talk.." She quietly asked as Megumi nodded and looked towards the window, It was just a tad bit far from the bed and Megumi didn't wanted to leave her side even if it was for a minute, and he knew she didn't wanted him to move away too. So Megumi took off his oversized sweater and draped it around Y/n.

Megumi didn't knew just how much of comfort that little action gave the girl before him. He didn't let go off her hand as he slowly got up, Trying his best to keep ahold of it as he opened the window, He had to let go to fully open the window and draw the curtains but as soon as he was done he rushed back to embrace her smaller frame again.

This time Y/n took the initiative of grabbing his hand, She even lightly wrapped her hands around his waist and rested her head against his chest as she gazed at the window, It was dark outside and the moon and stars looked so peaceful.

But why would Megumi look at the moon or the stars when the girl before him shined brighter than them.
Y/n turned her head away and looked up at him, signalling she was ready to talk.

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