Chapter 2: parasites

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(Deku was adopted by allmight after someone from the underworld killed his mom)
"Young izuku" all might said as he walked into dekus room.

"Yeah?" Deku said looking up at him.

"Do you remember the conversation from last night? When I said you weren't ready?"
"Yup" deku only said as he went back to reading his comic books.

This annoyed allmight. He didn't like when ever deku was upset with him, he will make it known that he doesn't want to talk to him. Allmight grabbed the comic book and throw somewhere in the room.

"What the HELL!?" Deku yelled, standing up.

"Listen young izuku!" Deku sighed and crossed him arms letting allmight know he has deku full attention. "I think I need to stop treating you like your still 5, you're 16 now and will be king someday." He makes deku sit down and sits next to him.

"I will let you help with the parasites if you promise me that you will try to stay out of trouble. There's no guarantee that you will come home completely un touch all the time but still seeing you will make me feel more better"

This shocked deku "he's gonna let me do it!?" He thought to himself. "Thank you thank you thank you!" Deku is hugging all might tight.

"I can't believe you are letting me do this all might" deku was happy and that enough made allmight feel better about his choice.

"Thank Uraraka, she the one who wouldn't leave me alone until I let you" and with that deku was gone.

...all might looked at all the pictures of deku when he was a kid present in the room, smiling sadly at them "why did you have to grow up so fast young izuku.."

Izuku POV:
I ran to the cafe where uraraka is always at when she on break. Before I open the door I bump into someone.
"Oh I'm sorry!" I said hoping I didn't upset them but he just continued walking. I did notice that the jacket he's wearing had a parasite logo on it....but I didn't say anything I mean there's a lot of Merch out there based off the parasites.
I walked into the cafe and sat across from uraraka. "Hello uraraka" she looked up from her food quickly and blushed out of embarrassment. Her mouth was stuffed with food.
"Oh m-my deku!" She swallowed the food and looked back at me "I mean prince izuku" she smiled softly at me
I chuckled at her, grabbing a napkin and handing it too her.
"Its fine" I said. She nodded and wipe her face.
"Soooo" she said which made me know what she was gonna say. "Did king allmight tell you something amazing?" She happily said.

"Something amazing? Like finally being able to be free from that damn castle and finally being with you and todoroki? Then naw" I replied, trying to see her reaction.
She looked sad after I said and and started to eat sadly. "Sorry de-" "haha im joking uraraka!"
She looked at me angrily.
"PRINCE IZUKU!" She yelled out causing people to look but I didn't care I couldn't help myself from laughing.
"This isn't funny! I honestly thought I wasn't convincing enough to help you!"
"Yeah yeah whatever" I said taking a bite of her cinnamon roll.
"You didn't ask" she said smirking.
"Too late to ask anyway" I said back. But then I remembered the boy I saw earlier...who was he?

-the under world-
Nobody POV:
Bakugo was jumping to roof to roof trying to get to his base faster. "Shit shit SHIT" he kept saying to himself, "the fucking prince better not be a nosy cunt" he's says to himself as he make to the door of his base.
He type the code in and walked in, being greeted by a angry shigaraki.
"YOU JUST CANT LISTEN CAN YOU!?" Shigaraki said.
Bakugo is apart of the council, helping make decisions, fight and more but one thing they ask him to do is NOT go to the upper world alone.
Bakugo rolled his eyes "tch I dont listen to you or your lame as "dad" bakugo replied walking away from him.

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