Part Twenty Four

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Mr. Ferit and I , it's over between us. He ripped the contract letting me free and not forcing me to work for him which was sudden for me.

I have a long way ahead of me and I want to focus on my life , give the best life to asuman and mama , baba.

I want to open a restaurant for my mama and baba. I wanted to take loan but I couldn't gather up the money. I didn't want to use the money that I have saved up on myself but my family.

Mr. Ferit came to see me in the small restaurant that I have managed to get with my partner. We both had a very awkward and Very intimidating talk that it hurt me.

The day passed normally which didn't seem pretty normal to me cuz I used to have a routine of working at Mr. Ferit.


I went to clear up the contract because Mrs. Ikbal called me. I signed the papers and said.

" That's all ? "

" Yes. That's all. Best of all , y/n. Good wishes  "

" Thank you Mrs. Ikbal "

" I'll take my sister "

Asuman smiled and pulled me with her as I chuckled. We both walked out of the office and she hug me. I hug back and heard someone calling my name. I pulled away and look at The owner of the voice.

" Mr. Nakatani . how nice to see you "

" You too . Are you coming to the meeting too ? "

" No i- "

" Ms . Y/n is no longer working with us "

" Is that so ? Why's that ? "

" Yes- "

" Ms. Y/n has a new career goal for herself . She will open a restaurant soon  "

" Is that so , I'm so glad. Good luck "

I smiled and thanked him politely.

" I have no intention of leaving you alone today because my wife will also come to the meeting. She really wants to see you "

Once again , ferit cut me off and Spoke , getting on my nerves.

" Believe me , I don't think that Ms
. Y/n will ever have such a time because she's working very hard these days "

" My wife will be very upset "

" Unfortunately there's nothing we can do. Isn't that right , y/n "

I looked up at him more like thinking.

" There's always something to do , Mr. Ferit. Mr. Nakatani I'm available today I'll come to the meeting with pleasure. I would love to see your wife too. "

" I'm so glad. It'll be good for all of us. We would store lots of oxygen "

" Do we store oxygen ? "

Mr. Ferit replied and look at me.

" The meeting is in sapanca, y/n . We're leaving today. Staying one night and come back  "

 Staying one night and come back  "

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