Intro + Prologue

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This fanfic is gender-less!

If there are any moments which will need a trigger warning, which there probably will be, i will warn you beforehand and i will put a squiggly line just before and just after.


He choked on his drink,  he wasn't expecting AMOGUS-  and that's how she always got him.

As you can tell, this is my first fanfic, and as English isn't my first language don't expect a masterpiece :)

Also, you're Y/N, obviously, and C/N is your cat's name, and I'll add the rest if we need it.

Anyways, time for the PROLOGUE:

Your feet were padding against the wet road, your heart thudding madly against your rib-cage, as the oh-so well known and trusted city you lived in suddenly felt like the most dangerous place you had ever been in.
Your arms were shaking as an enormous orange cat shivered in them, and you held him closer to you, hopefully shielding him from the pouring rain.

You had just gotten Fucking swatted by some asshole on the internet because you were playing around with the (quite frankly terrible) defenses of his website to wreck a bit of havoc on this guy's network.
Honestly, you were just bored at first, and you saw nothing really bad in what you were doing. You weren't stealing anything and you never did anything with the power you got, so why would he have been this offended???

Anyways, you had no idea how he managed to get you swatted, but now you were running as fast as you could to your old apartment. All the cops would find is an empty house.
All of this because the guy you were hacking could not deal with having you fucking around a bit. Thank god he can't hold his tongue either and had to brag about how you "really should make sure the person you're bothering can't get you swatted idiot".
So yeah, you really hate that guy. Also it's really weird to talk to someone through code.

Honestly, what he did was really dumb. You had time to pack your essentials and start running before even hearing any cars around your house. Though once you were out and about, you had started hearing the telltale sound of tires screeching against the asphalt and started running.
Had he not bragged, you would have been caught off guard and you would have been way less safe, so you could kind of thank him for being dumb.

Though you have to admit that running outside in the pouring rain in the middle of the night in a shady part of town with an enormous cat in your arms is not what most would call safe.
You kept on thinking that if someone were to try and attack you, you would probably not be able to defend yourself at all, which is terrifying. Unless you threw the cat at them, i guess, which you would not do.

AND the second thing that worried you the most was that your electronics were in your backpack, which you were unlucky to even have with you as you normally kept most of your electronics and bags at your old apartment just in case.
Still, it was terrifying to think the only thing protecting your computer and other things and objects from the freaking deluge was a few layers of fabrics.

And just as you were starting to think that you had somehow gotten lost despite knowing the city like the back of your hand, you recognized one of the buildings in front of you, and in no time, you were in front of an old and dilapidated building who's bricks were a grayish red.

You stopped next to the door, feeling as if you were gonna collapse from the sheer effort it took you to run this long, and started to type the password to open the door, praying that no-one had changed the password while you were away.
As the machine beeped, the door opened and you rushed inside, thrilled to get away from the cold.

Revenge is your best ally -- a EJ x reader ficWhere stories live. Discover now