Missing You (Sasaki and Miyano)

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Miyano was now a third year now, meaning it was his first year in school without Sasaki as his upperclassman. The two were dating now and made sure they had time for each other often. There wasn't a day that went by that the two didn't talk. However, getting on the train in the mornings knowing he wouldn't run into Sasaki, knowing that the two wouldn't be able to quietly meet in the halls for BL talk or to discuss new bands or just see each other for a bit longer, it made Miyano miss Sasaki even more when he thought about all that. It doesn't help that college keeps Sasaki pretty busy, meaning while they talk a lot, they can't always see each other very often. It's been a week since the two have seen each other, and the distance was beginning to weigh on Miyano. 
"Uh, Miyano? Were you listening?" Kuresawara's voice broke Miyano out of his thoughts, causing him to look up quickly as he remembers his friend was trying to have a conversation with him. 

"Huh? Sorry Kuresawara what were you saying?" The friend sighed lightly, leaning on his hand as he stared. "Okay, spit it out, what's going on? You've been spacey all week." Miyano's face began to turn a bit pink as his friend spoke, quickly shaking his head and trying to settle his friend's thoughts. "Nothing's going on, I'm fine. Really!" Kuresawara definitely didn't believe him, and Miyano had never been a good liar. "It's Sasaki, isn't it?" He didn't even need a response from Miyano, his face said it for him. "Was it... That obvious...?" Miyano almost looked ashamed of himself, which honestly, he did feel a little embarrassed for being so easy to read. Kuresawara smiled a bit at him, adjusting his glasses further back onto his face. "I just know if I can't see my girlfriend for more than a few days, I get antsy too."

Kuresawara was right, Miyano was feeling antsy. But even more than that, Miyano found himself feeling a sense of loneliness he had never felt before while Sasaki was away. He never would have imagined it would be so hard just to be away from him for a little while. Though, as school came to an end, Miyano couldn't help but feel giddy. Sasaki was coming to see him today. He would finally see Sasaki after 6 days of being apart. Though it felt like an eternity to him. Just one more hour now. Miyano waved goodbye to Tashiro and Kuresawara, quickly making his way home to get changed into more comfortable clothes. Not to mention something other than his school uniform to see Sasaki in. The hour passed painfully slowly, until finally his phone rang. Miyano picked it without a second thought. 


"Miya, I'm sorry..."
It was Sasaki, hearing his voice was almost a relief for him. But his tone was different. He didn't have his normal chipper attitude, or his cute emphasis on certain letters and sounds. 

"Is everything okay?" The worry seeped into his tone as he asked, but Sasaki was quick to ease his mind. "Everything is fine, don't worry! But...I'm not going to be able to come today. There's some stuff that one of my professors is making us do, so I won't be able to get there in time to see you."  Even though he was relieved that Sasaki was okay, he couldn't help the feeling of swelling in his throat. The feeling of his eyes beginning to burn. Before he knew it tears were pouring down his face and he couldn't stop them. He tried to hold them back, but he knew he messed up when a small sniffle escaped into the phone speaker. 


"It's fine! I totally understand, really. I'll see you another time then."

"Wait, Miyano-" "Hey, Sasaki, let's go!"

"Sorry to hold you, Bye Sasaki."

Miya quickly hung up, not trying to hold Sasaki up from his college work anymore. But not only that, he didn't want Sasaki to feel guilty because he was crying. He quickly curled up in his blankets, more tears falling freely as small hiccups found their way out. He felt so pathetic, but he couldn't help it. The whole thing felt so painful. He kept thinking 'if only I had more time, if only I had made up my mind sooner.' He wanted Sasaki to go to college, to be successful and happy. But he wanted so badly to see him, to hold him, to kiss him. He just wanted Sasaki.

Miya's eyes began to flutter open, not realizing he had fallen asleep, or that it had begun to storm. He sighed a bit and went to check his phone, but it had died. Setting it aside as he reached for the charger, he heard a 'thunk' on his window. Was it hailing now? No, It was so warm outside this week. Another 'Thunk,' this time Miyano saw the small rock that hit his window, quickly going over and looking out, his eyes widening at the sight. Sasaki was there, drenched, looking up at Miyano's window as he held another small rock in hand. Miya quickly scattered up and rushed down to the door, quickly swinging it open to meet Sasaki, who had moved to the door. 
"Oh good, you're up. I was getting cold" He was smiling gently down at him, though Miyano had grown a little more, which meant he wasn't very small compared to him anymore. Miyano quickly yanked him in, shutting the door and dragging Sasaki up to his room, shutting the door firmly behind him. "Sasaki! What are you doing here? Standing out in the rain like that you'll-"

Before Miyano could finish, Sasaki gently cupped his face, his thumb gently rubbing under his eye. "You were crying.. I couldn't stand the thought of you crying here all alone." Sasaki's voice, Sasaki's touch, Sasaki was so gentle. Miyano couldn't hold back anymore. He quickly clung to him, more tears beginning to spill. "Hey, Miya," he worriedly watched his boyfriend, trying to comfort him. "I'm soaked, you'll get wet." "I don't care." Miyano looked up to Sasaki's shocked face, tears still falling freely. "I just...want to feel you okay..." Sasaki softened at the sight, gently cupping the smaller boy's face and leaning down, placing a soft and sweet kiss on his lips before pulling aaway with a small smile. "I missed you, too."


Word count: 1073

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