Valentine's Day

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"I can't wait to give my valentine to T.J. later. He is gonna love it." Alexis says as she is walking with Gretchen and Gus.

"Well from how you described it he is sure to like it." Gretchen says.

"Yeah. You put a ton of thought into it. But seriously how did you get it so early? He's been talking about it for weeks and it wasn't supposed to come out for another week." Gus says.

"I have my ways. Though it helps when your adoptive family has connections. But first I wanna give him this card. Miss Grotke said she'd hang onto the rest of my surprise for him until I can get him alone long enough to give it to him." Alexis says as she smiles.

"That sounds pretty clever Alexis. And since you two will be alone he shouldn't freak because of how he reacted the other day where it will only be you two knowing what goes down." Gretchen says.

"Thanks. Miss Grotke actually helped me. I'm really happy to have her as an aunt. She's really amazing when it comes to this type of thing." Alexis says happily.

"Well we wish you luck Alexis. I hope it turns out the way you want." Gretchen says.

"Me too." Alexis says happily.

"Hey Alexis what's that stuck to your valentine's bag?" Gus asks as Alexis sees a card sticking out of her valentine bag.

"Huh? Hey it looks like I missed a valentine and it's from T.J." Alexis says as she takes out the valentine.

"He gave you a valentine? That's a surprise after his whole bit yesterday." Gus says.

"Maybe he's finally coming around. I should go find him. Tell him thank you. Maybe this is the chance I was waiting for with him." Alexis says before walking off.


"T.J. There you are. I've been looking for you." Alexis says as she finds T.J. with Vince.

"Oh Alexis. You were looking for me?" T.J. asks curiously.

"Yeah. I found the card you gave me. I haven't had a chance to read it yet though." Alexis says as she holds up the card T.J. gave her.

"You haven't? Well maybe that's good. You know? Save it for later." T.J. says nervously.

"Don't be silly T.J.. I want to read it now so I can thank you personally." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Personally?" T.J. asks nervously.

"Yeah. I-" Alexis then gets cut off by Gretchen as she runs over.

"Alexis! Wait! Stop!" Gretchen shouts as she, Spinelli, Mikey and Gus come over.

"Gretchen? What on earth?" Alexis asks.

"You don't wanna read that card." Gretchen says.

"Why not?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Trust her. You probably shouldn't." T.J. says.

"Right now you should probably listen to T.J." Spinelli says as she and Gretchen glare at T.J.

"Guys I'm reading the card. I'm sure it's fine. Huh?" Alexis asks as she opens the card and reads it before giving a shocked expression.

"Heh. Happy Valentine's Day." T.J. says as he chuckles nervously.

"T.J. is this meant to be some sort of funny joke to you? You're poking at things you know I'm very personal about." Alexis says angrily as she looks at T.J..

"That's not all. He gave cards to every girl here with jokes like that." Spinelli says angrily.

"But yours appears to be more distasteful." Gretchen says as she looks at Alexis's card.

"How could you? I thought you were my friend. You're a jerk T.J.! I don't wanna give you anything after this." Alexis says angrily as she begins to leave.

"Alexis wait!" T.J. shouts.

"Leave me alone!" Alexis shouts as she runs off.

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