Not The Best Maknae.

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Jungkook was determined to wake everyone up in the house early Saturday morning. He was up early and ready for breakfast, but knew everyone always ate together.

So why wait when I can just wake them all up at once?

He ran around to all of his hyungs shaking them awake and telling them it was time to get up so they could all get to making breakfast. His hyungs whined and groaned but Jungkook didn't leave anyone's room until they were all out of bed and getting ready.

While making breakfast the members all talked about how excited they were for their schedule later in the afternoon. They'd be filming a new Run BTS episode and after that they had a few fun interviews that would be in front of a live audience. The maknae seemed to be the most excited and energized as he continued to act silly the rest of the morning. He loved making his hyungs laugh. It always made him feel good to see them smile. And they loved it when Jungkook was in a good mood like this, they always loved a good laugh.

Later that day the members had a great time filming for their Run BTS episode. It was a competitive game and as expected, Jungkook was the most competitive and pouted when he would lose at certain parts, or pouted to get his way with his hyungs. After that they were transported to the studio where they'd be doing their live interview. They greeted ARMY's cheerfully and Jin and Jungkook even started playfully bickering while taking the stage. The interview went great, and the members had a lot of laughs when they started talking about Jungkook. Namjoon mentioned how Jungkook never replies to their texts and Jungkook said he doesn't reply to them because he simply doesn't have to. It was a lighthearted joke from the maknae, and the hyungs acted offended but they weren't really. They also talked about the small little things he did at home that annoyed them, but it was all in good fun.

After all their schedules were done they finally got to go home. The members made and ate dinner together before hanging around and doing their favorite things. Jungkook decided to go on WeVerse to see what their fans thought of today's interview. He was quite surprised when he saw some not so nice comments about himself.

"Jungkook is the worst maknae a group could ever have. idk how his hyungs deal with him."

"He really can't reply to a simple text? What makes him so superior? And why is he so annoying?"

"His hyungs must hate their lives. I'd hate my life if Jungkook was my little brother."

"The hyungs really got the short end of the stick when it came to who their maknae was."

Jungkook hadn't even realized he was crying until he felt the tears start streaming down his face. He was speechless at the comments. Am I really that bad of a maknae? I never meant to be annoying to hyungies.

He curled up in his bed and let scary and anxious thoughts rip through his brain. He wondered how annoying his hyungs probably think he is. He wondered why he never noticed before how there were many fans who thought he was annoying. He tried to think of ways to be a better, more perfect maknae. He feared that one day they'd kick him out of the band if he didn't start acting better and more mature and respectful. He couldn't dream of a world where his hyungs thought poorly of him because he loved them so much. The youngest of the group ended up crying himself to sleep. The others all came in to check on him because they got a little concerned when they hadn't heard from him for a while. They concluded he must have been exhausted from the hectic afternoon schedule.

The next morning Jungkook was the first one awake again, but he wasn't going to dare wake up his hyungs, because he didn't want to annoy them. He turned the TV on and watched some movies while waiting for everyone else to wake up. He tried to ignore the growls from his stomach as he waited.

Not The Best Maknae [Jungkook x BTS]Where stories live. Discover now