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Hello, this is the author of the story, I hope you enjoy it, I thought that story might be little confusing so I decided to answer some questions

Q - Was Minjeong in the dream all the time?

A- Yes, everything about the story was a dream

Q- Was Minjeong only one who had a dream?

A- No, Every girl's dream was united in the story

Q - After a dream, do girls know each other?

A - They have no idea about each other

Q - Why was Joy so cruel in story?

A- to be honest, all the girls have back storyline about why they were like that, Joy's storyline is worser then other girls

Q- is there any connection between the girls?! If not then why they dreamed about the same thing together?

A- yes, they have many strong connections

Q- then why didn't you continue the story after Minjeong woke up?

A- Because its sequel is the other book 👀

And again, thanks for the support, thanks guys that you supported from the start, I'm really glad 🤎✨

See you next time I guess 🤫

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