Chapter 1 - Reunion Of A Broken Family

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Queen Phasma went to the overworld to visit her son walst there a ghost randomly burst through the door Phasma "um who's this"
Insomnia "I'm gonna be honest I don't know"
Ryuu "im Ryuu and you both remind me of iggy anyways I'm gonna go see them"
Phasma "wait uh Ryuu I think you said your name was did you say iggy"
Ryuu "yeaaaa why do you know them"
Phasma under her breath"it can't be there dead but it might be them"
Ryuu"well I'm gonna go see them you can follow if you want"
Insomnia "should I go"
Phasma "no you stay here just trust me let's go"
Ryuu "ok" the ghost smiles brightly and leads the way they get to iggys house quite quickly because it's not that far

Iggy's POV

"oh Iggy" I hear someone yelling comeing into my house
"what the fuck" I yell pulling out my bow "Ryuu you scared me" I then lowered my bow
Ryuu "hehe I found someone who knows you somehow"
"who no one knows about me other then you?" I get really confused
"you can come innnn it's a bit cramped tho so ill be in the walls" Ryuu yells to someone and steps into the walls
"I-is it really you iggy" someone asks I'm not sure who they are though
"who are you and how do you know me" i grip my bow ready for if its needed
"there's no need for the bow I'm not a threat I'm queen Phasma of the voidlands and i-" i cuts her off
"the voidlands? I recognise that name from somewhere" I start trying to think of where I've heard that name before "Well you would since I think your that lost princess my child" Phasma trys telling me
"what no I can't be" I start getting very confused
"you must be the blindfold the brown hair you look like them just of course older" she does bring up a good point
"if you really are my mother why was I left here on my own" I started asking questions "I didn't mean to iggy we came for a relaxing day away from the voidlands however you went wandering I sent all the guards none could find you they said you were dead we built a statue for you oh and you seam to have your crown with you" she says smileing to me "wait this is a real crown I just kept it because I'm attached to it I didn't know it was real" I say looking at the crown "this might not be a good time but you also have a brother"
"can I meet him" I asked
"if you wish follow me"
"Ryuu go home ill come chill with you when I'm done ok let's go" I say and she leads the way
We walk to my brothers house even tho he lives in a tree
Phasma "he lives in this tree come on up with me" "wait I'm related to the creepy tree guy" I say walst laughing
Phasma knocks on the door and insomnia answers
"who's this" the guy that I'm assuming is insomnia says
"I've got a lot of explaining to do for the both of you" mother tells us
Insomnia looks over to me
"well hi I'm insomnia Ender" he introduces himself
"nice to meet you I'm iggy ummm Ender I'm guessing since I'm your sibling" I say looking over to mother who's nodding
"so who's older" he asked "ok let me explain what happened to iggy I've explained slightly but I'll go into more detail well-
We were going to the overworld for a few days I think it was supposed to be three" "why did we though" I asked
"Well the overworld is good for your wings it helps them grow" mother told me I flaps my small growing wings "makes sense I guess continue" I tell mother smiling "anyways we were meant to be there for three days but on the second day someone wandered off on there own we tryed sending a search party but no one found them and they believed you were dead when the guards returned I'm surprised you don't remember each other after you left he was never the same then insomnia a few years later he desided to come to the overworld and a few years later leads us to now" mother smiled to the both of us
"I'm gonna go home and relax this is alot to take at once" I say standing up to leave
"hey um would you wanna come to the voidlands for a day or two to look around maybe tomorrow" mother asked "sure I'd like that" I let here know
"alright ill see you tomorrow insomnia please join us and show iggy the way to the portal" mother then uses her power returning to the voidlands
Insomnia looks over to me
"right when your ready meet me here tomorrow ill take us both to the portal to the voidlands oh and here are some traning wings they help teach you how to fly ready for when your wings fully grow" he says handing me some realistic looking wings "thanks insomnia I'm gonna go now see ya tomorrow" I then phase through the floor out of the tree house and go to tell Ryuu everything.

Word count 899

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