(REQUESTED) in critical condition

45 3 2

Requested by Emo_girl3365

One early morning you went out for a jog in (your hometown) when you hear the screaming. You follow the sound and also saw the smoke. You realize that the house is on fire and the family tried to get out of the fiery building!

Woman; MY BABY IS IN THERE! *sobs

Without thinking, you rushed into the burning building and tried to find the baby. You found the baby boy/girl in hist/her bedroom laying on the crib crying.

You; *carry the baby* come on! We gotta get you outta here!

As you try to make your way out, you notice the rubble falling down! You shielded the baby with your body until you're all burnt! You felt like you are about to die when you hear a voice.

Hot rod; in his holoform* I'm coming, y/n!

Hot rod rushed in the building and carried you and the woman's baby out to safety. Later on, you are being hauled onto the stretcher by perimedics and took you to the nearby hospital.

Woman: *to hot rod* thank you, sir, for saving my baby.
Hot rod: where's  y/n?! Where is he/she? *bursts into tears* is he/she gonna be ok?
Optimus; *also in holoform hugs Hot rod comforting him* calm down, hot rod. We will find out from the doctors if y/n is OK.

Later that afternoon back at hangar E, hot rod and your family are waiting for the response from the hospital when the phone rings.

Ratchet: *answers from his comm* ratchet speaking.
Doctor: r u in relationship with y/f/ln?
Ratchet: I'm a friend. *puts on speaker for everyone to hear*
Doctor: I'm afraid y/n is in critical condition. He/she has suffered major burns on his/her head, chest, arms, and legs. He/she will stay in the hospital for the next 4-5 months.
Ratchet: thank you for informing us. *lets the doctor hang up*

Everyone sobs bitterly while hot rod ran to his bedroom and locks the door.

Bumblebee:  yikes. Hot rod hasn't been this depressed before
Smokescreen:  *wipes his optics* he and y/n had been dating for past (pick a number) days/weeks/months/years.

As the days pass, every autobot and humans (jack, miko, raf,, and your siblings) try to cheer hot rod up but nothing seems to work. Hot rod would say this.....

Hot rod: leave me alone in my terrible grief!

This happened many times until at last they give up. A fee months passed and hot rod hasn't eaten any energon. His body became frail with starvation and his optics went dull blue. He didn't hear wheeljacks grenade explode due to locking his bedroom door.

Ratchet: hot rod! *rushes to hot rods room with 6 cubes of energon  * I'm right here! *puts energon next to hot rod's mouth gently* Please eat. *tears brim his face* we needed you...
Hot rod: *slowly eats energon and opens his eyes* r...ratchet?
Ratchet: oh thank primus you're alive! Why did you shut us out like this?
Hot rod: if y/n dies.... *tears flow and voice crack* I will kill myself during his/her funeral.
Ratchet: *shocked* don't you dare say that, hot rod!
Hot rod: yes I do and I did! Because I love him/her, ratchet!

Ratchet comforts the sobbing hot rod. Next day hot rod drove to the hospital and activated his holoform so he can visit you when he sees you being released from the hospital.  He runs to you and hugs you tight. Everyone applauds at the moment  as you hug back.

Hot rod: *sobs* I missed you so much!
You: I missed you too. Here I am now better and healthy. *let's go of hot rod when you feel hot rod's  arms hold tight around you and feels his tears fall on your neck* ummm hot rod.. you can let go now.
Hot rod; no!

Hot rod never let you go every day because he loves you and is too scared to lose you again.

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