chapter 1 "what the h#ll happened?!?"

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warning! some of the contents of this chapter have explicit language and mentions of bone breaking. If you do not like this, please don't read this chapter! Thank you! <3

"That was a great hangout thanks for inviting me!" 

"Your welcome idiot see you later"

"Uh, huh dumbass :p"

you waved goodbye to f/n smiling, making sure to not let your bag of food slip out of your grip while doing so.

you and your friend f/n spent most of the hangout goofing around and passive-aggressively insulting each other, when you both weren't doing that, you were eating the food you ordered which seemed endless.

seriously, as much as you love f/b as much that was WAY too much to consume in one day, what was f/n thinking

since the house was 'too full as is' as f/n put it, they gave you the rest of the food and put it in a plastic bag

driving home was mostly fine, beside that one stray crazy driver here and there

it honestly was quite calming driving down the street so late with the lamps illuminating your path dimly, but just as you fully relaxed you had already arrived at your destination

a little apartment, it was a bit mess a few stray boxes still remained but beside that it was relatively clean.

you packed away the bag of goodies to have for later, and headed to your room

usually, most people would go to sleep at this late at night but like most people that are even associated with the internet you were a night owl

before you got into your chair you changed into a comfy but a bit weird shirt at least it was a bit of f/c though

"Hmmm, what to play"

you dwelled over your choices, "a hat in time? nah i'll be playing all night if I choose that one"

what about Undertale? "i can't even get past Muffet, pass."

error 143? come on y/n choose something!

just shapes and beats? "N- actually that might work."

you scrolled through for that fabled one of many games and hovered your little mouse over to the play button and with a click pressed the green button





to be met with a message popping up on your screen

'New update found would you like to download it?'

you moved your mouse over to continue and clicked it,praying your data space will live through this-

"are you sure?heck yeah i'm sure!"

if you were more observant you would have noticed the faint flash of pink go over your screen but you were occupied with self monologuing

you clicked the button and a wave of light engulfed you.

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