8. Awekening Of Shakti

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Raajsabha, Indraprastha

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Raajsabha, Indraprastha

"Maharaj, rebelling against a king's rule creates obvious unrest in his kingdom. Any opposition to a strong administration makes the subjects suffer. This is why Rajadroha is an unpardonable sin as per the Shastras." Devika uttered in firm voice. "I demand remarkable punishment for the Shivi Yuvaraj who dared to do that."

Yudhishthira listened quietly. His serene eyes were fixed on a fuming Kotikasya, yet storm of dilemma blew in his heart.

He knew whatever Devika was saying was correct. Neither would she feel hurt to see her brother seized in Indraprastha's prison. But the rest of Shivi? What would be their reaction to this? Their son had been seized in their daughter's marital home. Won't this lead to a huge misreputation of Devika? Would Govasana ever return to his daughter after this?

He observed Devika's fair face that had turned crimson. Maybe she was too angry to think much, but Yudhishthira could sense the possible upcoming consequences of this. It was hurting for him to malign Devika's respectable position in Shivi. Neither could he release someone whose punishment was demanded by Queen Devika herself, in an open court. That would be dishonouring her power and authority.

It felt like a test to him.

Maharani Devika's honour at one side, and Shivi Kumari Devika's reputation on the other. What would Yudhishthira do now?

Devika noticed curves on Yudhishthira's serene brow. Realising his dilemma, she moved forward.

"Maharaj, Raaj Dharma is above our personal emotions and family bondings." She softly reminded.

Yudhishthira nodded, letting out the sigh he had held for long. This sabha of Indraprastha was definitely not a place of such thoughts. As long as he was on the throne, he had no relative to care for except the subjects. He mentally thanked Devika for bringing his thoughts to the right direction.

That's what a true Queen, a true wife would do!

"Shivi Yuvaraj, do you have anything to say?" Yudhishthira stared at Kotikasya.

Kotikasya slowly lifted his crimson eyes.

"I don't want to waste my time on a fool who acts on a woman's words!" He gnashed his teeth. "No fair decision can be expected from such a King."

Yudhishthira turned grave.

"The woman you refer to is my wife, Shivi Kumar! She is the Queen of this land. She has as much rights to take any administrative decision as I do. If she thinks that you can be harmful for Indraprastha, I have to ponder over the matter."

Entire sabha held their breath in silence. Devika beamed in pride. Draupadi looked at Yudhishthira with admiration in her eyes.

No royal court of Aaryavarta has ever heard a King honouring his Queen thus!

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