chapter 4 backstory 2

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Morro: creature- tailybone- rank scout

Garmadon: creature- Oni - rank servant of the queen

Soul Archer : creature - ghoul -rank seeker

Bansha : creature- banshee - rank seeker

Wrath : creature -imp - servant

Ghoultar : creature -demon - rank scout

The difference between a scout and a seeker is a scout can leave the village and forest, a seeker can only leave the village.

Clouse was curled up on his king's lap like a cat, "my king~" the smaller creature purred looking at the larger.

"Yes?" The crystal king asked looking down at his queen, stopping his pets

"Could we begin to bring people in our village and turn them?"

"Yes, there's a boy coming," the king said with a purr, a young boy with raven hair and a green streak was lost in the woods when he saw a village. He took off running to the village, but stopped when he saw the pair. The king smirked as he grabbed the boy's arm and left a scar. He got away but the pair knew he would be back soon, as the boy ran he fell into a large cave, boulders falling in front of the mouth of the cave leaving the boy stuck and losing oxygen fast.

When the boy awoke, he knew something was wrong. He clearly saw his skeleton among the rocks, but how could he? He was right in front of it. He knew now that he was nothing more than a ghost, he would get revenge on those who did this to him.

He growled lightly, running through the same forest his allied ghosts followed him. He stopped, grabbing his arm in pain as the scar began to burn and glow. His green eyes turned purple as he took off in the direction of the village, the other ghosts following after him. There they were, waiting patiently for them.

"I knew they would arrive, just one touch and he'll do whatever I say as long as he has my mark." The Crystal King purred, stroking his queen's hair. "They shall set up a little party for those who are foolish enough to come here. Especially if they're the descendants of the ones who trapped me in that mirror."

"You never told me how you got in there, my king."

"I suppose it's time you knew. Many years ago, an old blonde and his two little sons stopped me from taking the world as my own. They couldn't kill me, so they had me imprisoned until now."

"So you know if he or his children are still alive?" Clouse asked, looking up with his one existing eye.

"He is long gone but his sons still live." the crystal king growled sinking his claws into his queen's side, making the other trying not to make a low groaning moan.

The ghost's continued to work beginning to turn in beasts, the ravenette became a creature with short legs, fat feet, long claws and a long bushy tail. The other ghosts were each turned into different beasts, as they continued to work the king and queen continued to talk.

"I remember when I first started living in that home with my father he would always tell me not to touch the mirror, until he left one day and never came back. The day he left was the day I met you.'' Clouse said leaning into his king, "soon we'll have this village full of our own personal servants, my king."

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