"I got the girl"

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crystalnicofficial cardislefttittie MattyHealysWhore loverpoolal.... I'm so sorry for making you all wait for an update ♡ I appreciate all the patience and support. Do enjoy ♡


"Do you remember who I am?" Jerome brushed past Kaiden in urgency towards Nova, gleaming at the thought that he may be the only person she remembers.

"No, but there's something so familiar about you - like I'm supposed to know who you are."

"That's because you are. I'm Jerome, the man that loves you." Jerome tried to twist the situation in his favour.

Nova looked at the rest of the room, hoping to get visual confirmation from the others that what Jerome spoke was the truth - instead she was met with confused faces.

"What about me?" Kaiden interjects, jealously and pain coursing through him as he watched Nova begin to study each part of Jerome's face with her hand.

"I'm sorry, I don't know who you are." These words cut through Kaiden as tears began to pool in his eye. Blinking them away, he responded

"Well let me remind you..."

"Kaiden." Athena nudged her son.

"If you try and force her to remember you, she might not at all. Give her time, ease her back into loving you."

Kaiden knew his mother was right, putting pressure of Nova might in turn end up pushing her further away.

"I'm your business partner, Kaiden Romano." He responded casually, as if that was the only relationship they shared.

"Kaiden Romano." His name still sounded like honey dripping from her lips.

"Can I have a moment alone with Jerome?" Nova politely asked and watched as Kaiden and his mother left the room.

"The man that loves her? What the fuck does Jerome think he's doing? He is so lucky that I didn't smash his head through the wall." Kaiden vented outside of the room. As time went by, he wondered what kind of stories Jerome was concocting to try and get Nova back in his bed.

"You're still here?" Jerome wickedly smiled, taunting Kaiden.

"I wanted to make sure Nova was okay."

"Well she is, in fact Nova will be coming home with me tomorrow morning."

"Like hell she is. Why are you doing this, I thought we had an agreement."

"I saw an opportunity to make her fall in love with me. This time, stay out of our way - you can never give her the happiness she needs, but I can so back off Kaiden." Jerome warned, almost sounding threatening.

"Fine. Oh and by the way Jerome, you're fired."

"Ha on what grounds?"

"On the grounds of it's my company and I fucking said so. Feel free to fight me on this, my lawyers will drag your case for years - I'm sure you'll be able to afford that right?"

"Who cares man, I got the girl." Jerome smirked and tapped Kaiden on the shoulder before walking away in victory - little did he know his win will be short lived.

2 weeks later

"What are you doing here Hannah? Nova is asleep in the other room." Jerome whispered, pushing the woman out of his apartment and slightly closing the door behind them.

"It's been days since I last heard from you. What am I supposed to do? Are we still going after Kaiden?"

"I've been busy, I will call you when it's time for our next move - now go before someone see's you."

"Who was that?" Nova queried as she watched Jerome close the door and let out a long breath.

"No one important babylove, did you have a good nap?" Jerome walked towards the model, engulfing her in his embrace.

"It was okay, my dreams are revealing more and more to me each day. I can remember my father now."

"God, you're so beautiful and your lips, your body - I miss the feeling of it pressed against mine." Jerome ignored Nova's revelation and pulled her waist against his before leaning in to kiss her.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Nova tried to squirm away from his grip.

"Come on baby, can't you see that I love you? I've been taking care of you for two weeks now and I will for the rest of your life. Now come on, this will help you remember so much more." He leaned in again and this time Nova, out of guilt did not back away.

As their kiss got deeper, the two found themselves on the couch - Jerome desperately trying to remove Nova's clothes. His lips made their way to her neck, causing her to moan...

"Hmmm Kaiden." Nova quickly covered her mouth in realisation to what she had just said.

"Did you just fucking say Kaiden?"

"I'm sorry, I got confused for a second." Nova apologised, seeing the rage on Jerome's face.

"You know what babylove? Kaiden doesn't give a fuck about you, I mean he hasn't even come to see you in the last 2 weeks. I'm the one that has been here for you - so get his name out of your mouth." Jerome shouted, before getting up and grabbing his keys.

"Where are you going?"

"Far away from you." Jerome slammed the door, his rage and jealousy over Kaiden consuming him.

Nova felt saddened over what had happened but this was not going to deter her from finding out who she really was and why there was a nagging feeling in the back of her mind every moment she spent with Jerome.


"Thank you for meeting me Mrs. Romano." Nova smiled while gesturing to the empty diner chair across from her.

"Thank you for reaching out and please, call me Athena."

"Athena, I need someone to tell me the truth - I know Jerome isn't the man I'm supposed to be with. No matter what he does, I just feel uneasy around him and this afternoon confirmed everything."

"What happened this afternoon?"

"We kissed and emotionally, I felt nothing."

"Good, because he isn't the right man for you - Kaiden is. The day you left the hospital with Jerome my son flew back home heartbroken and hasn't been back since. Kaiden's never been good with expressing his feelings, but I'm his mother - I know he is in love with you and I know deep down you love him to."

"Then why can't I remember him? Is my own mind trying to protect me from him?"

"I can't answer that sweetheart, but I can tell you the truth - the story of Nova and Kaiden."

"Please do."


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