The Nightmare - part 1

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He stood in front of the wall that held his parents names ingraved on it. He placed the bouquet of flowers he'd brought with him softly on the stone shelf and stood there, quietly reminiscing of his happy childhood before the tragedy that had ruined it all. As he stood there gazing at the wall that held his parents names on it, he noticed something seeping from one of the plaques and running down the length of the wall. He reached out to touch it. It felt thick, wet, was dark red and smelled metalic. The sound of scratching was heard in the small shed like building as he inspected the dark red stain on his fingers. It was blood. The sound of hissing and scratching got closer and closer, then all was silent for a moment. Suddenly the wall he was facing exploded into tiny pieces as a bat-like creature emerged from behind what used to be a wall. It stopped in front of him and stared at him for a moment. It then seized him , let out a bloodcurdling scream and took off with him in its clutch. He tried to scream but it felt like he was under water.

Bruce shot up out of his bed, gasping and covered in sweat. A quick glance at the digital clock on his bedside table told him it was currently 2:25 a. m.. As his panting subsided, he decided he was thirsty so he got out of bed and pulled on a grey shirt since he was completely naked aside from a pair of black boxers. Bruce then padded down the hallways of his mansion to the dark and empty kitchen for a glass of water. Alfred was sleeping at the moment so no one else was awake. After drinking his glass of water, Bruce decided to suit up and work on a case. There was no way he was going back to sleep after that nightmare.

Whoooooo! I did it! My first ficlet! 379 words! I'm surprised I didn't hate this cause I wrote it late last night with one braincell. Anyways feel free to drop ideas/ prompts for more one shots and part 2 of this will be coming out soon!

Luv your writer,

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