10 Facts About The AUTHOR

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Oww yeah B.Hz!!!...this is my book and I can do wateva the hell I want...I AM THE B.O.S.S Here :D 8) ...read on fellaz :*


Fact 1) I am a hijabi + a part time goth girl (Hijabi..yes! You didn't see that coming, did you :p)

Fact 2) I love black leather jackets & boots.

Fact 3) I hattteee Spiders.

Fact 4) I love Fashion & Psychology and I think I'm pretty good in both the fields :p

Fact 5) I don't like being alone at all, but then again I don't like crowded places either.

Fact 6) I hate maths as much as I hate spiders, or maybe even more :/

Fact 7) I cry while watching inspirational movies like " The Pursuit of Happyness". (It is inspirational ryt?)

Fact 8) I am bored............I wanna get married. ( ..and I can also be quite sarcastic sometimes :D)

Fact 9) I have a very very short temper...you know like micro mini short, like shorter than the skirt of a wh**e, those filthy, little @#$&$&@%#&

Fact 10) I have a friend who resembles quite like Flynn Rider, from the movie 'Tangled'...heyy no kidding, I am serious. The funny part is, I still crush on the real one ;p ( oh, btw those who don't believe me, I have uploaded his pic on the top, yeah the one who resembles Flynn Rider)


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