98 Funny Things To Do In Class if you're bored. By Harmony.

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 These are not my creation. They were from the internet cause I was too lazy to make up ones. All rights to the maker  :) Harmony

1.Tell everyone in a creepy voice "You will die in 7 days". Then act perfectly normal again.

2.In biology class, get everyone to wear aprons and goggles, then when the teacher comes in, act like everything is perfectly normal.

3.Stand up and act outraged when the teacher gives homework. Get someone to pretend to be your lawyer and bring them to school the next day, and threaten to sue the teacher.

4.When the bell rings or you hear any kind of siren, scream that the pigs are coming to get you and act all scared.

5.Wear handcuffs to class, then say "Sorry I'm late, I just had to break out of prison first"

6.Run to the window, then start crying and say that your imaginary friend committed suicide.

7.When the teacher gives you work to do, say you can't do it because it's against your religion.

8.Tell the teacher you don't need to do any homework, because you're going to be sick tomorrow.

9.If someone knocks on the door during class, get everyone to freak out and yell "We're under attack!" and hide under their desks.

10.Roast marshmallows on the bunsen burners. If the teacher tells you to stop, whip out a pack of sausages and roast that. If the teacher tells you to stop doing that, then pull out a whole chicken and spit roast it.

11.Go to the teacher, go close to his/her ear like you're about to whisper, but then yell "CAN I GO MAKE POOPIES IN THE TOILET?!?!"

12.Ask to go to the bathroom. If the teacher says you can't go, say "Fine, I guess I have no choice then." then make weird faces like you're busy crapping your pants in your desk.

13.Get everyone in class to stare in one direction all the time, and then have someone say "shift!" at a random time, and then everyone should look the other way.

14.Put raisins over your teeth and grin when people talk to you.

15.Walk to the front of class, but fall over and pretend that someone tripped you.

16.When the teacher finishes a sentence, get the whole class to stand up and applaud them.

17.When you come back from the bathroom, as soon as you walk into class, stand still for a few seconds and look around you, confused. Then ask "How did I get here?"

18.Say everything in Russian Reversal... for example: In Soviet Russia, number divides you!

19.Bark like a dog.

20.Tell the teacher to prepare for evacuating the school, because you're gonna pull the fire alarm.

21.Speak 'incorrectly', like say things like "ain't" all the time. When the teacher corrects you, nod like you understand, but carry on speaking weirdly.

22.Get the whole class to sing "We don't need no education".

23.When the teacher asks a question, get everyone to put their hands up, and make sure when people get picked that they must say "I forgot what I was gonna say".

24.Meow inbetween words while answering a question.

25.If you're late for class, and your teacher is moaning at you, say "There's no need to be moaning, you still get paid".

26.Laugh like an evil maniac and say "You shall all perish! Perish I say!!!"... then go back to normal very quickly.

27.Ask if you can go to the bathroom. Get up and walk straight into the wall. Frown at the wall, glare at it, and walk into it again. Then smile like a retard and walk out the door normally.

98 Funny Things To Do In Class if you're bored. By Harmony.Where stories live. Discover now