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- I think I'll need another method... -

I straddled his lap, my fingers tracing his neck and exposed collarbone, then moving up to brush his lips.

- G-God, Min... - His hands gripped my thighs firmly, squeezing my muscles. - Aren't you sore? - He asked as his mouth went down my neck to bite and suck my skin.

My head fell back, my mouth opening and letting out pleasured exhales.

- I-I don't mind going for another round... - I replied, pulling him in for another lustful kiss. - You were too good... - I whispered against his lips.

He moaned, his dick poking my thigh through his pants.

His hands worked to remove my tee, throwing it away, then moving down to palm me through my boxers, tracing my length with his hand.

I removed his tank top, my hands tracing his shape as I bit my lip. God, he was so perfect.

- Min... - He panted, gripping onto my wrist to stop my hand movements on his dick. - Can I give you a blowjob? -

I smirked, removing myself from his lap to take my boxers off. I sat naked in front of him, my length twitching and spurting precum impatiently.

- All for you... - He threw himself on the floor, kneeling in front of the bed and waiting for me to position myself at the edge of it.

He observed my length drooling, his hand wrapping around it to pump it a few times, spreading the precum.

- I've wanted to do this forever... - He admitted before wrapping his perfect lips around my tip.

I threw my head back, gripping onto the bedsheets tightly, overwhelmed by the feeling of having just his lips around me.

He swirled his tongue a couple of times before engulfing it all, choking at the very end. I groaned in pleasure once I felt my dick hit the back of his throat, his mouth wrapping around me tightly.

He started bobbing his head, sucking eagerly and moving his hand up and down to the rhythm of his mouth.

I bucked my hips, wanting to reach the back of his throat again and again and again, loving how he would squeeze his mouth tight just for me.

- F-Fuck, Hyunjin, I-I'm gonna c-cum. - I warned him before I released a couple of thrusts later.

He remained attached to my length for a few seconds, letting his mouth be filled with my semen before swallowing it all.

I wiped with my thumb a little bit of my cum which was trailing down his chin, positioning my finger in front of his lips. He opened his mouth, swirling the tongue around the pad to clean it.

- God, Min, I'm such a slut for you. - He said as he stared at me with a submissive gaze. - I'd let you do anything to me... -

I gulped, a wave of arousal spreading through me as he stared at me with those eyes.

- W-What do you want to do? - I asked, my hand going to stroke his blonde hair.

- Can I bottom? - This time, it was his turn to ask. His pleading eyes were enough for my erection to regain its strength, harder than ever.

And I would have lied if I said I didn't have fantasies about topping him. I imagined how it would have been to have him whimpering and moaning under me, squirming with every thrust, eyes rolled back.

I licked my lips, my thumb stroking his cheek and hair, enjoying his fully submitted figure.

- Of course... does my puppy want anything else? - He whimpered at the nickname, biting his lip as he shook his head.

Behind the Curtain [Seo Changbin ff]Where stories live. Discover now