Night Time Comfort

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When Stephanie Patrick heard those four words, she nearly lost it. No parent wants to hear their child has a disease that has no cure. No parent wants to hear their child has cancer. Letting out a shaky sigh, she looked through the window where her only son, Oliver, was reading a picture book to a nurse. The sight caused a small smile to appear on her face.

Matthew, her husband pulled her into a hug, his eyes glossy with tears, "Thank you, doc" he replied.

The doctor gave a small, sad smile. This was probably the hardest part of the job. "Chemotherapy is always an option" He replied, "but I'll give you some time to think and process all of this" he added when both Matt and Steph hesitated.

When neither Matt or Steph replied, he turned and left, leaving the parents to process the news.

Eventually, Matt broke the silence, "What do you want to do?" he asked gently.

"I.." It was then that Stephanie burst into tears, burying her head into her husband's chest while she cried.

Matt held her close, rubbing small circles into her back for comfort, "Shh" he cooed softly, "we'll get through this"

Months went by and the cancer only spread. Ollie had lost a great majority of his hair from the chemo radiation. By now, the doctors were hesitant to do anymore treatments because of how young Ollie was.

"Mommy" Ollie whimpered, rolling over in his hospital bed to look at Stephanie, "It hurts.."

"I know, sweetie" Steph gently brushed the few strands of hair out of his face, "I know.." She gave a small smile, "You want to try eating something?"

Ollie nodded, sitting up before taking a saltine cracker from his mom and taking a small nibble of it. After a few bites, he handed it back to Steph before laying back down.

"Hey bean" Matt spoke with a tiny smile as he walked into the room, "I got you something"

Ollie didn't say anything, but sat up and looked at his dad. Matt held out a stuffed Siberian Tiger plush to which Ollie smiled as he took it and held it close, "Thank you, daddy"

"Of course, kiddo" Matt gave him a gentle kiss to the head before sitting down next to Stephanie. Eventually Ollie fell into a restless sleep, whimpering every so often due to the pain.

Another few months went by and Ollie was nearing his time. He barely ate or drank due to how much pain he was in. Both Matt and Stephanie rarely left his side unless it was to use the bathroom or talk to a doctor.

A soft knock was soon heard at the door, causing both Matt and Steph to look up.

"May I speak with you two outside?" The doctor asked.

Stephanie felt her heartbeat quicken as she nodded before turning back to Ollie, "We'll be right outside, alright, sweetie?"

Ollie nodded before rolling back over onto his side, curling up into a ball to try and sleep. Matt and Stephanie then stood up and followed the doctor out into the hallway.

"What's the news, doc?" Matt asked

The doctor sighed before speaking six words that neither Matthew nor Stephanie wanted to hear.

"There's nothing more we can do"

Stephanie's heart dropped. She felt her eyes fill up with tears before Matt pulled her into a hug.

"Are you sure?" Matt asked, "there's no other treatment options we can try?"

"I'm afraid not" The doctor shook his head, "We can't really do anything more because of how young he is" he added with a low sigh.

At that, Stephanie pulled away from the hug, "so we're supposed to sit around and watch our only child die because you guys refuse to do anymore treatments?"

The doctor sighed, "I'm truly am sorr-" he started before a loud beeping was heard from the room beside them.

Matt and Steph immediately ran inside, the doctor close on their heels. Stephanie nearly screamed at the sight before her.

Ollie, her only child, was lying still in his bed. He wasn't breathing either. The doctor rushed over to him while a few nurses gently ushered Matt and Steph to the corner of the room.

The doctor and nurses did everything they could. Eventually the doctor let out a small sigh, taking a step back, "Time of death.." He glanced at his watch, "19:45.."

"NO!" Stephanie cried out, tears streaming down her face as Matt pulled her into a hug before they both fell to their knees, "NO, HE'S NOT GONE!" She cried, "HE CAN'T BE GONE..!"

"Shh" Matt spoke softly. Steph could feel his tears soak her shirt as he rubbed small circles into her back for comfort, "You're having a nightmare" he murmured

"W-what..?" Stephanie croaked out, pulling away from the hug, "what did you say?"

"Wake up, darling" Matt continued, giving a soft smile, "you need to wake up, you're having a nightmare"

Stephanie's eyes shot open as she sat up with a jolt. She could feel the tears running down her face as she hugged herself, letting out a shaky sigh in the process.

"Hey" Matt's voice was soft and soothing as he put a gentle hand on her back, "Hey, it's ok" he continued. Stephanie looked over at him before leaning into him as more tears streamed down her face, "Shh" he cooed gently, "It was just a nightmare"

"But.." Steph croaked, pulling away and trying to wipe away her tears only to have more take their place, "But it f-felt so real.."

"You want to talk about it?" Matt asked gently, "It might help" He added, giving a soft smile.

After a bit of hesitation, Stephanie nodded, "Ollie.. He had cancer" She murmured, "He ended up dying because the doctors were hesitant to.. They were hesitant to do any more treatments due to his age.."

Matt nodded in understanding as he listened. When she was done, he pulled her into a gentle hug, "Would it help you feel better if you saw him?" He asked, "I can go get him if you want me too"

Stephanie nodded into his shoulder, "Please.." She murmured, "B-But don't wake him up"

"Ok" Matt gave her a soft kiss to the head before getting up out of bed and leaving the room. After a few moments, he came back, carrying the young blonde child. Sitting back down on the bed, he handed their son to his wife.

Looking down at her son, Steph felt a wave of relief wash over her as she saw his chest rise and fall, indicating he was alive and well. With a small smile, she leaned down and gave him a soft kiss to the head before gently running a hand through his hair. Her smile grew as Ollie snuggled deeper into her touch, a small smile on his face.

"See?" Matt whispered, "He's perfectly fine" he put a hand on her back with a soft smile, "He's not sick or anything"

Stephanie didn't reply for a moment. She kept her gaze locked on her son with a tiny smile, "Can he stay here?" She asked softly.

"If it helps you to feel better, then yea" Matt replied, giving a soft smile. Stephanie finally tore her eyes away from the young boy in her arms before laying back down, putting Ollie in between her and Matt.

Matt gave a smile as he laid back down as well. Eventually he fell back asleep, leaving Stephanie the only one awake. The brunette female watched her family sleep for a moment before eventually falling asleep herself.

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