Chapter 1

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Hello and welcome to An Enchanted Story about Seria; learn about this new world of Tengan world of magic and magical creatures what shall little Seria come accoss.

"phew finally everything has colour now its not the pit of white i was in" Seria questioned.

What was all that pit of white anywho? who spoke to me where was that voice coming from? everything is strange i feel werid whats going on with me? this whole place is so new to me they said that i was to be transported to a new world but what is this new world?

"Hello Seria my dear, i am glad to see that you have arrived all in one piece" This godly voice spoke.

"HUH!!!!!" Seria exclaimed.

"Calm my child all is fine you have no wounds your health bar isnt reducing so calm my child all is well" He calmly spoke.

What is this voice? why does it seem so familiar? where is it coming from? i mean whats even going on? i dont understand any of this? why me? why did i have to be trasported to this forean place? i dont even know what this place is called for god sakes!! god im talking in my own head wtf haha!!


"HUH"!!!!! She screamed!

"Calm my child that is the leveling system which only you have as a gift to you; to help you in this strange world i have made this world to appear like a video game from your world however only you see it this way so each time you level up a skill or your character level you earn one skill point so you gained one skill point cause your increased your speech level correct?" The god explained.

"Oh WAIT LIKE A VIDEO GAME!!!! ok so i have levels and i just gained a level how do i put the points into certain skills what skills can i have? what so i need to do to gain skill levels etc?" Seria questioned.

"Everything is in this little book here child i heard you were quite the book worm in your previous life so i have added a special skill in there for you to help you gain skills much faster a skill called archive which takes all knowledge from books or scripture and stores it in your mind effectively learning everything in it at a glace you also have a skill which doubles your skill experience which means that all the skills that you are using you gain xp for but you dear gain double it which means you will become stronger much faster" God continued

 "Oh thank you God Sir wait whats your name? i never caught it?" Seria pointed out.

(Puff the God escapes)

And so the mysterious god the young woman never caught the name off disappeared into the sky she was left with as many questions that she had anwsered she was left to figure out this strange place on her own with the book that the God gave her to help navigate her way around the world of Tengan.

"Lets get started on this book then shall we? he said that all i need to do is glace at it and i shall learn all of the knowledge in the book well isnt that such a helpful skill ot have especially me a little bookworm yay! i shall have to find a library for magic and other skills i wonder if i can use fantasy books and learn skills from them? oh i wonder if i can write my own books and learn from them?" She theorised



"I guess i shall have to learn how to put these skill points into good use for now i shall leave them until i learn more about it i dont want to pointlessly put skill points into skills i know i wont use" Seria added.

A little map appeared at the bottom of her vision showing her the world in which she now inhabits.

"Ok to the nearest town or city with a library" She stated.

And so off she went reading more books she so happened to have learned she can summon she has all the basics down but as for other skills she is struggling to gain the concept of she glaced at a page of the the book she was given and was puzzled it seemed to be in a different language well its to be expected that they wont use the same language as her?

Then how did she talk to the godly creature? it seems like the tougher the skill it takes longer for her to learn it all which she is thankful for as she was afraid that she would end up this godly strong character due the advantage that the god has given her which shes thanksful isnt as simple as he explained.

This long journey seems to have not been as borind as it so to be expected she was confronted with a few slippery creatures that she now knew the names off as slimes as a little icon gave her the name, the said icon gave its level and a few basic skills it had acquired during its time of life Seria had picked up a long stick which as she picked up turned into a sword.

"Child i forgot to add one thing i shall give you some basic fighting equipment gear, swords, potions, shield and other essentials" God anounced.

Ah so when she picked up the long stick it must of turned into a sword well at least now she can fight these slimes with something thank god at least she doesnt end up dying on her first day on this new world she has to now call her home?


Hello i hope this first chapter turned out alright i know its short but its currently very late where i am right now so im gonna head to bed, but with about 1000 words i think i did very well for my first chapter anyway i am rattling on i do apoligise please let me know if you enjoyed this chapter by commenting or putting this in your reading lists that would be great thank you and have an amazing night or day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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