If You Wanted To Break Up

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Well, I'd obviously be upset but I wouldn't be angry or anything. At the end of the day, you shouldn't be with someone that you don't Love.

I'd prefer to remain friends but if it makes you uncomfortable then don't feel forced to. I wouldn't want to make anything awkward. I would avoid hugging you and making any kind of contact such as long eye contact and holding hands so that you aren't uncomfortable.

If you told me that you never wanted to speak to me again then I'd be upset and probably be in a bad state for a couple of months but I'd let you go. I wouldn't talk to you or call you, I wouldn't do anything that you don't want.

If we ended thanks to an argument then I'd blame myself and I'd probably try to resolve the problem. I wouldn't force you to date me again but I wouldn't want to be left on bad terms with you. I mean, you're amazing, why would I want to end on bad terms with you?

If we were dating (As in me and you, the reader)Where stories live. Discover now