Without you (No ship) Part 1

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This One-Shot has no ship. This was also not requested by anyone.


Walking down into an alleyway, Minho did not at all expect to see a tall, good-looking boy running past him with what looked like short blonde hair. He certainly did not expect to be brought into the police station to have him talk about what he saw either. All he was doing was taking a shortcut back to his small apartment a couple of minutes away from his work. Sighing he slowly went back on his way, his mind wandering to the particular incident that just happened minutes before. Unlocking his apartment, he slowly opened the door to see a man playing with his cats, his name? None other than his one and only brother Lee Yongbok.

"Yongbok? What're you doing here? Don't you know to call before you come? I almost attacked you?" Minho questioned him slowly. He didn't seem like the same timid person he was 3 years ago when he last saw him.

"Hi Hyung! Sorry! I was visiting the area for work and I thought that I would pop by since you said you were usually home by now! Did anything happen? Anything out of the ordinary?" Yongbok said coming closer.

Something feels off Minho thought. Yongbok always calls. Either Yongbok changed completely or this isn't Yongbok. "Hmmm not really? I just decided to take a short-cut but then I go pulled into the police station," Minho responded, choosing his words carefully. He slowly walked over to the windows 

indicating that he was just gonna pull the curtains.

"The police station? What happened?" Yongbok said, inching even closer.

"Eh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it." Minho said, slowly going behind the curtain to........ pull out a gun.

"Woah woah woah," Yongbok backs up immediately.

"Who the fuck are you and what happened to my brother?" Minho asked loudly, rushing to catch the dopelganger.

"Hey hey! It's me! Yongbok! Your brother! We lived together! But I haven't seen you in 3 years so I thought I'd stopped by. I swear its me hyung!" 'Yongbok' pleaded.

"No you aren't. Yongbokkie would have definitely called saying that he was in the city and make plans, and then surprise me at home. You, whoever you are, are not Yongbok so either tell me what the fuck you want and what happened to the actual Yongbok, or sit down until I call the police to take you away.

'Yongbok' lets out a sigh and to Minho's surprise smiles.

"See I told them that this wouldn't work. Anyway Minho hyung, your gonna need to come with us. 1....4...3." 'Yongbok' murmurs.


Suddenly the window shatters and the last thing Minho saw was Yongbok giving him a sad smile as he slowly lost consciousness.

—-----------------------------------------------------------------------Minho's point of view: I woke up in an unfamiliar place. The bed I'm in feels way too cold without the warmth of my cats. I get up trying to remember yesterday's events. There was a man, the police questioning and someone in my apartment? I was trying to reoraginze my thoughts when a familiar deep voice knocked them in place.

"Hyung? You awake?" 'Yongbok' asked.

Suddenly all of last night's event came rushing back.

"You! You kidnapped me!"

"Calm down Hyung. Just listen to me. I didn't do anything. I was just doing my job."

"What job? You told me you were back in Australia making your own dance studio. What 'job' do you have here?"

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