Chapter 2|

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Addison's Pov.
I tried my hardest to be quiet as possible, even by not breathing so loud by my nervousness. How did he know I went this way, well probably because after the laundry room there is a dead end so obviously he figured out I went this way. I could hear his footsteps getting closer to me. Tears brimmed my eyes as I tried not to whimper knowing that this will be a long night. An arm hit the boxes making them topple to the ground making me right in front of him open. He smirked at me then dragged me out of the corner by my arm. " you still think you can hide from me huh?" "I am sorry uncle Tony-" "you will call me from now on sir not uncle tony, got it?" He growled. I nodded, not being able to do anything but stand there in horror. "I guess you will just get your punishment" "no please, I didn't mean to sir-" but before I could finish he slapped me right across my face. I cried holding my cheek in pain. "Don't cry!!" He yelled at me while yanking my hair with his strong fist. I screamed in pain as he treated me like a rag doll. He kept punching me in the stomach over and over again I lost count. "Why do you disobey my rules you little brat" after about 10 minutes of getting whipped on my back there was a knock on the door. But that was the least thing on my mind right now as the pain was shooting everywhere in my body. "POLICE, OPEN UP" I don't think tony heard it though cause he didn't stop whipping me. Then I heard the door break down, it made a loud noise. Police came rushing into the living room where I was being beaten. They kicked tony off of me and put his arms behind him so they can put handcuffs on him. "Tony Roberts, your under arrest for child abuse" A second officer came and walked towards me. All I could do was cry from shock and pain. "It's okay honey, we are going to take you somewhere safe" he picked me and brought to a different police car so I don't have to be in the same one has uncle tony. They put a blanket around me then and gave Gege since I said I wanted her with me, then put in the back of the car. When we started to drive, I got comfortable and fell asleep with tear stained cheeks.
When I woke up I was in a bed, I looked around the room it was plain with bland colors. There was only one window which gave most light to the room. It looked very bright outside, it's probably noon right now. I guess I slept a long time. A Tear streamed down my face, where am I. Then I heard steps coming closer the my door. I quickly wiped it away. Then it opened showing a young women in her late 20s. "Addison, your awake" I nodded slowly "you probably want to know where you are" she looked at me for a Response but I stared at her scared. "Well you are at SunnySmith Orphanage. I am Mrs. Smith, the police took you here early this morning. Wait were you crying sweety" I shook my head fast. "It's okay, your safe here. You have nothing to worry about" she holding one of my hands but I snatched my hand out.
3months later
I have been living here for a while now and it's actually not that bad. The only person I can trust right now is Mrs.Smith. She cares so much for me and all the other girls here. I wonder how she can do it all by herself. I can tell her anything because she is always there for me. The girls here are really nice too, it's great because they been through what I have been through. Not necessarily they all been abused but they know how it feels to not have their parents with them. Your probably wondering if I ever got adopted and and the answer is yes well kinda. 2 couples tried to adopt me but I put up a fight so I don't have to go with them. They try to get me to calm down but then after a while they think I would be a stubborn kid so they adopt another girl. To be honest, I like it like that. I am scared going home with someone I don't know. I just want to stay here with mrs. Smith.
Louis pov.
The lads And I have been deciding this for a while, and we think it's time to adopt a child. We have always been a family but what could be better to put a child into it. We asked Simon about it first, he was surprised we wanted to do this but he understood. He told if something happens we can't just take the child back like they were nothing. We have to be good dads even if something does go bad we have to work through it. We all decided on getting a girl age 5-9. We thought that was the perfect range for us. Her room was almost going to be done but not quite.
Right now we all dressed and ready to get our daughter today. We couldn't be more excited. "I am so happy we can finally get her" Niall said for the 5th time today while waiting for us. "Same, I just want her home already but hopefully we can find the right one for us" zayn said tying is boots. I nodded "Zayn is right guys, if we don't find the little one today then we have to go to another orphanage later" we all agreed and then piled in Harry's Range Rover.

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