Part Eight

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My tires screeched as I barreled into the parking garage. I didn't bother to park in a spot. When we got up to the apartment I drew my gun and motioned for Loraine to stand around the corner. When I entered the apartment no one was there, there was a note on the counter though. It read that they had left early and I could just meet them there. I cursed under my breath. I ran out and motioned for Loraine to follow me. We made it to the bowling alley in under ten minutes, and when we got there the parking lot was filled with red and blue. Loraine got out and I got out of the car and we walked up to the were all of the action was. As we approached I saw Hailey sitting with one of the cops, she saw me and she immediately ran over to me. She pulled me into a hug and started sobbing, I hugged her back, then I noticed I couldn't see Jax.

"Were is Jax?" I asked Hailey.

"Th-they took him to the hospital, he-he got sh-shot." She said through her tears. I looked over and saw that there were three body's with sheets pulled over them and two guys in cuffs. At least he got a few of them. A car came screeching into the parking lot and it caused all of the cops to draw their guns. Of course, out came Walter, he stormed over to where we were.

"What happened?" He demanded.

"I don't know sir, I wasn't here."

"Well, you're fired."

"What, Dad! Why!?" Hailey spat.

"Cause he was out with her, not with you." He pointined to Loraine.

"I gave him time off, he didn't get much sleep because he went to your dumb ball."

"He knew that there were people out to get you and he still left you with a rookie he was supposed to be supervising. "

"Well sir, first off Jax is fully capable to protect. Second, the only reason I was with Loraine is because when I went to go to our place to get a shower, she was hiding in a closet because these same guys broke in looking for me cause I killed their brother while protecting Hailey. And I was not going to leave her alone so I took Loraine with me to go help Jax protect Hailey."

"Oh, I didn't know. Thank you." With that he walked off.

"I thought you didn't like me ."

"He is an acquired taste." Chimed Loraine.

"Wow, jeez, thanks love."

"And I thought you didn't have a girlfriend." Hailey said.

"I don't, this is my housemate Loraine." Hailey's mouth formed an O shape.

"I have to make a phone call, excuse me ladies." They nodded.

"Okay, so good news. They people who attacked Hailey and broke in are in a gang. They were in debt and needed money. The whole gang is either dead or in police custody now." I informed them once I had gotten off my call.

"Thank God!" Breathed Loraine, Hailey nodded vigorously in agreement.

"Ash, whenever you are ready to go can you drop me off at the house?"

"You can just take my car. I can drive the other one around for a bit."

"Thanks." She leaned up, kissed me on the cheek, then headed off.

"Your father will take care of the police, do you want to go home now?" I asked.

"Yes." She was still hugging me so I just scooped her up and carried her to the car.

"You have to let go Hailey." I said when we got to the car, she sighed then let go. Not even thirty seconds into the drive, she turned on the radio and started singing.

"Not gonna sing with me?" She teased. After a minute I turned the radio off.

"Why didn't you let him fire me?" She shrugged

"Come on, why?"

"Cause you aren't as bad as I thought you were Asher."

"Oh, is that so."

"Besides you have bailed me out of some trouble a time or two."

"Ah, so that's why you keep me around."

"You know it." I laughed in response then turned the radio back on.

"Can we stop by the hospital later?"

"Sure Miss Emerson."

"Back to that are we?"

"Okay, fine. Hailey it is. It feels weird to call you Miss Emerson now." We both chuckled. I mad Hailey follow behind me as I checked the apartment, I didn't think anyone was there but I wasn't taking any chances with my life..... or Hailey's. I was starting to care about her more than I wanted to admit.

"It's clear."

"Mkay." After eating lunch, we agreed on watching a movie, we spent nearly an hour deciding which one. We finally agreed Miss Bala.

"I'm going to go make dinner." Hailey said once the second movie was over.

"I'll help you." She looked surprised that I offered to help but she nodded.
After few more minutes of arguing we decided on making pizza. We made an absolute mess, but it didn't taste half bad.

"Know how to play poker?" She asked after dinner, I nodded.

"Teach me?"

"Sure" She picked up how to play very quickly and won almost every hand.
When we were done I decided to call the hospital.

"They wouldn't tell me much but the nurse told me he needs to be held a few days for observation, but he'll pull through." I told Hailey when I hung up. She looked relieved and hugged me yet again. After minute she pulled away and looked up at me, then she kissed me, let's just say that was not what I was expecting. Against my better judgement I kissed her back. I grabbed her behind the knees and picked her up, which deepened the kiss. I put her down and pushed her against the wall. She went to pull my shirt over my head but I stopped her and broke the kiss.

"We can't."

"Why not?" Everything inside me wanted to keep going but I knew it would have made it too hard to kill her and I need to. For Allison.

"Just drop it Hailey."

"You don't get to kiss me back then not tell me why you pushed me away."

"I just can't. I'm going to get some air." Then I turned and walked out, leaving her standing there.

Word count: 1073

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