Author's P.O.V.
The group all followed Sharptooth into his office and sat down. Sharptooth pulled out a huge file that had Potter, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff Properties. Sharptooth said shall we start Harry. Harry said of course Sharptooth. Sharptooth said let’s start with your parents' will. Ginny grabbed Harry’s hand and squeezed it.
Sharptooth said The last will and testament of James Flemont Potter and Lily Marie Evans-Potter
He read I James Flemont Potter are sound and Mind at the time of this will all other Wills are null and void. If I died and my wife is alive I leave everything to her to ensure her and Harry are taken care of. If the case is that Both of us died I leave everything to my son Harry James Potter and his future wife.
He read I Lily Marie Evans-Potter are sound and Mind at the time of this will all other Wills are null and void. If I died and my husband is alive I leave everything to him. If the case is that the Both of us died I leave everything to my son Harry James Potter and his future wife.
Shaptooth said these letters were in with the will for you and Mrs Potter as well Harry. Ginny and Harry opened the letters. They read them and Harry's said
Dearest Harry if your seeing this letter that means both of us have passed away and aren't with you anymore. We want you to know that we love you and are super proud of the young man you've grown into. Do not trust Albus Dumbledore he is the reason why we ended up using the fidilus charm when we found out that voldemort was after us we would have been safer at one of your ancestors home but he moved us to Godrics Hallow. Remember that we love you and hope you have found someone who can love you and guide you as we couldn't. Love mum and dad.Harry was crying and Lexi and Mione ran over and hugged him as he handed Lexi and Mione the letter.
Ginny's letter said to the girl Harry that Harry falls In love with please protect and love Harry. Thank you for coming into Harry’s life he has a long and hard road ahead of him. Thank you for showing Harry how to love. We are so proud to have you join our family. Please don't trust Albus Dumbledore he likes to keep his cards close to his chest and please make sure that Harry reunites with Alexa Black they have been best friends since they were little. She is soul bonded to Fred Weasley so please help Harry reunite the two of them. Love Lily and James Potter.
Ginny smiled and hugged Harry and said I wish we got these letters sooner then maybe we would have been wiser about trusting Albus. Harry said I agree my love.Sharptooth said now onto your Properties Harry and Ginny. Sharptooth explained Gryffindor Castle Is on the outskirts of Godric Hallow. Hufflepuff castle is in the broad valleys of wales Great Britain. Potter Manor is in Caithness Scotland. Potter cottage is in Godrics Hallow.
Prevell Mansion is in Scotland. Moon cottage is in Central London. Lily's escape is in Ireland. Mauders cottage is in Kingston. Potter island home is in Greece. Prongslet villa is in Venice Italy. Harry said what are my properties states like at this moment. Shaptooth said yhey are all aside from Potter cottage have been getting taken care of by your Family's House elves that have been looking afer them for many generations. Harry said okay let's move onto the vaults.
Sharptooth said of course Harry.
Gryffindor vault
90,990 galleons
80,800 Sickles
14,230 knuts
Familiar eggsHufflepuff vault
90,990 galleons
80,800 Sickles
14,230 knuts
Familiar eggs
Prevell vault
70,700 galleons
60,600 Sickles
25,250 knuts
PortraitsPotter Vault
50,625 galleons
40,234 Sickles
100,120 knuts
Weapons and armor
Blueprints and journalsEvans vault
19,250 Galleons
10,200 Sickles
7,700 knuts
JewelryHarry’s P.o.v.
I looked at the parchment and handed it to Ginny who then passed it to the rest of our family. Ginny said Harry love you in there. I shook my head and said so Dumbledore not only manipulated me but raised me like a pig for slaughter thinking that if I had a decent childhood I wouldn't have been able to finish Tom because I liked my life. He left me to be abused and used as house Elf for his greater good. I could have gone to Minerva, Sirius, Andromeda or Alice considering from what Augusta has told me that the attack on the Longbottoms happened 2 weeks after my parents died.
Harry and Co Watch the Movies
Fanfictionwhat if at the end of the battle of Hogwarts Harry and Ginny find out that they have a soulbond and the Golden Quaturet and a few others go back to the past to see if they can change the future will certain peoples loved ones come back to them so th...