𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬: 3K Special

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What happened: Chapter Four

Kiriya's heart leaped in admiration with his next words, "But before we send you on your way, there is a difference in this years Final Selection."

The students seemed to automatically panic, some worrying that their training hasn't prepared them for this, and that was somewhat true. No one can prepare themselves for a surprise visit from a Hashira.

It was like a pop quiz, right before final exams, something to add onto the pressure of already having to pass. As if your life depended on it, now everyone was watching.

Kanata hid her smile, though she missed Miyake as he had been gone for a couple of months due to numerous amounts of missions he was coaxed with, "Someone will be joining us today, meet, The God Hashira, Tatsuo Miyake."

Everyone's eyes widened like plates, Tanjiro smiled brightly and waved at Miyake, while others scolded him on his casual behavior towards such a powerful corps representative.

"Hello, students." His voice seemed different to Tanjiro, there was no playful tone, it was flat and blunt, "Please continue on as normally, but be aware that I am studying you, and I am always watching."


What REALLY happened:

Kiriya's heart leaped in admiration with his next words, "But before we send you on your way, there is a difference in this years Final Selection."

The students seemed to automatically panic, some worrying that their training hasn't prepared them for this, and that was somewhat true. No one can prepare themselves for a surprise visit from a Hashira.

It was like a pop quiz, right before final exams, something to add onto the pressure of already having to pass. As if your life depended on it, now everyone was watching.

Kanata hid her smile, though she missed Miyake as he had been gone for a couple of months due to numerous amounts of missions he was coaxed with, "Someone will be joining us today, meet, The God Hashira, Tatsuo Miyake."

Everyone's eyes widened like plates, Tanjiro smiled brightly and waved at Miyake, while others scolded him on his casual behavior towards such a powerful corps representative.


Author: I might kill myself...

What happened: Chapter Five

Miyake had a small scowl on his face, immediately uncomfortable with the fever, he stirred. Mostly just clenching his teeth and slacking his jaw, Miyake was surely alive.

"For a sick person, he definitely doesn't seem very tired..." Kiriya mentioned as he sent off Miyake's crow with a letter for Oyakata-Sama.

Kanata kept her smile, yet it was wavering on almost non-existent ice, "Hm. He was always like that when he was younger, Father told me that Miyake was always sick with a fever right before something extraordinary happened, or someone was saved using his breathing. He asked that I summon the blue butterfly."


What REALLY happened:

Miyake had a small scowl on his face, immediately uncomfortable with the fever, he stirred. Mostly just clenching his teeth and slacking his jaw, Miyake was surely alive.

"For a sick person, he definitely doesn't seem very tired..." Kiriya mentioned as he sent off Miyake's crow with a letter for Oyakata-Sama.

"You be judging me, remember Tanjiro's dad had like nine kids- "

Rengoku threw the closet object to him on set, which seemed to be his huge packet script, "THERE ARE KIDS AROUND!"

Miyake groaned and scowled playfully back, "WELL TELL THEM TO TELL TANJURO HI FOR ME!"

Author: Not this shit again- CUT!

What happened: Chapter Seven

"Bring me the head of that demon slayer with the hanafuda-like earrings... understood?"

"As you wish.."

"And... bring me that Hashira, unharmed and alive, I wish to engage with him."

The demons were confused with their masters word choice, but undeniably accepted their orders.

"Your wish is our command."

As the two demons disappear, all Muzan can think about are those earrings, and those god forsaken gold eyes...


What REALLY happened:

"Bring me the head of that demon slayer with the hanafuda-like earrings... understood?"

"As you wish.."

"And... bring me that Hashira, unharmed and alive, I wish to engage with him."

Miyake: 0-O .... AyO- that's kind of gay... and creepy..

Muzan: stfu and let me read my script in peace, and also- that's kind of the point of this whole show.

"To be gay?"

Uzui placed a dramatic fist over his heart, "To be gay? Or not to be? That is the question!"

Muzan deadpanned, "Only if you're a questioning dumbass."

Author: He not wrong tho... DAMMIT! CUT!

What happened: Chapter Eight

As the Temari return to Sasumaru, her eyes widen among fully taking in the appearance of the group ahead of her, "So, you're the slayer with the Hanafuda earring huh? And you-" she looks to Miyake, "You're the god he wished to befriend?"

Miyake scrunched his nose and furrowed his brows in disgust, "Friends? I have no friends, I have family."

This piqued the demons, and Tanjiro's, interest.

"So, they are targeting Miyake-San and I?"


What REALLY happened:

As the Temari return to Sasumaru, her eyes widen among fully taking in the appearance of the group ahead of her, "So, you're the slayer with the Hanafuda earring huh? And you-" she looks to Miyake, "You're the god he wished to befriend?"

Miyake scrunched his nose and furrowed his brows in disgust, "Friends? I have no friends, I have hoes."

Tanjiro burst out laughing as he watched Yushiro slowly ease up as well, Tamayo mutters distinct words of exhaustion as this was their fifth take. Miyake always had some dumbass snarky thing to say.

"Friends? I have no friends, they disappoint me."

"Friends? More like- emotional battery refiners."

- that one made no sense

"And neither does your life yet here we are.."

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒅 𝑯𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒂 | 𝙺𝙽𝚈 𝚡 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚎!𝙾𝚌Where stories live. Discover now