The Hallway encounter

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The next morning Caroline rolled off her shared bed with her friends, feet landing on the ground lightly without sound. She internally growled at herself for drinking so much the night before when she had school the next morning but she hadn't been the only one. Wrapped in a cocoon of sheets Elena began to stir, her eyes fluttering open and closed quickly.

"Morning." Caroline greeted, watching as the brunette began to lean on her elbows to check the time on her phone. "School is in an hour."

"Shit." Elena cursed, hurdling her face back into the comfortable throws of her pillow. Caroline laughed at the dramatics of it all while simultaneously wishing she could do the same. "Can we skip?" She mumbled.

Caroline walked towards the mirror to check her appearance out. Her hair was in shambles as it stuck out in odd places, resembling a lions mane. "Jesus Christ." She huffed out, terrified by the bags under her eyes. "I need to go home."

Elena was shaking Bonnie awake on the bed but she was refusing to acknowledge her friends existence. "Better vamp speed home then, you haven't got much time." With another persistent shove Elena yelled, "Bonnie Bennett get your ass up!" Bonnie groaned.

Shaking her head Caroline chuckled, "That goes for you too. You look like shit." Elena rolled her eyes, "I feel like it might be a sweat pants kind of day."

Shimming out from underneath the covers Elena raised an eyebrow. Caroline never wore sweatpants, not even to gym. It was booty shorts or it was nothing. "Do you even own any?"

Pursing her lips Caroline considered it, "There may be something in the back of my dresser from like two Christmas's ago." They both laughed at that together knowing full well Caroline would shower as soon as she got home and put on a beautiful dress that wold distract the world from the tired state her face was residing in. "See you later." She waved.

Elena called to her, "It's your game tonight by the way!"

"Ugh," Caroline's shoulders fell slightly, "I haven't even thought about it."


Liz was walking out the front door when Caroline arrived home. "Caroline you scared me!" Her mother gasped and flung her hands to her chest. Caroline winced at the way her moms eyes ran up and down her body as if she had just been through hell. Though Caroline couldn't exactly deny that it hadn't been close. "You look like hell."

Caroline smiled at knowing her mother so well. "Late night, hard work." The short explanation was all she could give at the moment or she'd be late for school. "Gotta shower mom, bye!" Kissing her mom gently on the cheek she strode past her into the house and up the stairs.

Being alone gave Caroline time to consider the events of last night and chastise herself for being so foolish. Klaus had been leaning in to kiss her, and she was going to allow him the pleasure. The hot water against her skin seemed freezing cold to the way her body felt upon thinking of Klaus's mouth pressed to her own. She shouldn't be thinking of him that way, she should be pushing him away and trying not to let him into her head. Caroline was a good person and Klaus was bad person. But was everything so black and white?

She'd killed before, she wouldn't deny that. Well perhaps in a court of law but to herself she wouldn't. The difference was that Klaus had killed thousands, millions even and he wasn't sorry for a single one of them. Well, Caroline couldn't say that for certain but she never heard remorse in his voice for a single life he took. On the other hand, Klaus's childhood had been nothing but pain and suffering. Caroline didn't know the full extent of his life as a kid but from what information she did have she knew Klaus had suffered nearly every moment in agony at Mikael's hand. Caroline had seen enough television to know that just because the bad guy had a tragic back story didn't mean it excused his actions but it did explain them.

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