💙 Jake is dating who ?! 🧡

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It was finally the lunch break. After the lessons they all went to the cafeteria and sat down after getting their lunch.

Pov Drew

I've sat down between Henry and Zoey for the lunch. Zoey was making nonsense with Lia while Jake was staying quiet. I feel like somethings bothering him, guessing its probably about the music freak club so i decided to not talk about it as well.

Liam: Dude im telling u ! Stacy's mum has got it going on ~ 😏 only if i had a chance.. 😩

Henry: u're messed up dude- 💀

and then they've continued to eat their meal, I was looking at Henry, his hair is really a mess and his eyes..i wont even mention how smol he is- well he does look...adorable actually- I couldn't realise i was staring for that long then me and Henry made an eye contact all a sudden. I've turned my face to opposite direction..i could feel my face was heating up...why im acting so weird ?!

Pov Henry

i was eating my lunch then i've slightly looked at the side Drew was sitting- we accidently made an eye contact and he quickly turned his face away from me...
i could feel my face was warming up,
but- why did he look away from me.. did i do something ? Or was he staring at me- ??? I was so confused but i couldn't help but smile..

Pov Jake

I've been just thinking about how to tell them about me and Sean dating- then i've felt two hands wrapping around my waist. It was Sean 🧡 oh god- i didnt
tell them that we're dating yet-

* Sean picks up Jake *
Sean: Whats up love ~ ? I've just came to take u cuz Hailey still doesn't trust u-
like u're always late and stuff 😅
* laughs nervously *

" Oh y-yea i was just about to come sorry- * I've said as blushing heavily.

Sean: its fine <3 are u ready to go now ?

I've looked at Drew and others, they all seemed kind of confused and then Drew rolled his eyes.

" uhm- y-yea so i'll see u later guys heh ^^"" ! " i've said as me and Sean left to go to the music club.

Nobody's Pov

They all stayed quiet for a while then Liam broke the silence.

Liam: wow- well that was a twist- 😃


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