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Jennie POV

A throbbing pain in my face jolts me from my sleep and I quickly realize I must have rolled over onto my hurt cheek. The amount of sunlight shining through the window tells me that I've slept in. I can't even remember the last time I slept past 5 o'clock

Taeyong had to be at work early and I always got up before him to make his breakfast and press his suit. Taeyong. Just thinking about him sends a shiver down my spine. By now he probably knows that I've left him. It's been about 36 hours since I ran away and, by now, I know he is looking for me. All I can hope is that I covered my tracks enough that he can't follow them and get to me or Taehyung

Taehyung. A sigh leaves my lips at the thought of him. Has there ever been a more perfect man on the planet? He's kind, gentle, and thoughtful. I could tell he was angry last night when he saw my bruises but he pushed it away and was very gentle and almost....loving when he was handling me

I don't know why I trust him, but I do. I feel like we have a connection, something stronger than the natural concern one has for a stranger in need. I can't picture myself leaving and never seeing him again, but I don't know if I can stay

What if Taeyong finds me? I can't put Taehyung in danger. Taeyong will be ruthless if he finds me. With that thought, I've made a decision. I can't stay

Throwing back the yellow dandelion bedspread, a groan escapes from my lips as I tear myself away from this comfortable bed. I don't need a shower since I took one last night and I really don't want to ask Taehyung to rebandage my cheek and ribs. I just need to get my clothes and bag from downstairs and I can go. I wonder if there's a bus or train station nearby

I don't know what time it is but I don't want to wake Taehyung so I make sure to step softly as I head downstairs. Taehyung didn't show me where the laundry room is last night so I'll have to go exploring

After wandering around downstairs for about 10 minutes, I've managed to go in a complete circle; I'm back in the living room with no luck on finding my clothes. This is a not a house, this is a mansion. I need a map on the wall with a "you are here" sticker on it. Having decided that I've looked through every room down here except the kitchen, I walk in there

The first thing I see as I step into the kitchen is Taehyung's back. He's at the stove cooking and from the look of it, doesn't know I'm here. He's dressed in dark jeans and a cream colored henley. I'm trying very hard to keep my eyes off, but in those jeans, it's impossible

He must have heard me come in or something because he turns and gives me a beautiful smile that makes my heart beat faster

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" He asks and the look in his eyes tells me that he actually cares

"I did, thank you. That bed is amazing" I don't know what to do so I just stand there wringing my hands awkwardly

"Good. I'm glad you liked it. Your eggs are almost ready. I wanted to make you something more impressive, but I'm afraid that this is the extent of my cooking expertise" He looks a little sheepish as he turns back to the stove and shovels my eggs onto a plate

"You didn't have to do this. I would have settled for some toast"

He sets the plate down in front of me and gives me a disapproving look "You need more than toast for breakfast. You fell asleep before you could eat last night and don't forget that you're eating for two now" He shoots me a cheeky smile but his eyes soften when he sees my hand drift down to my belly

"Thank you, but you really didn't have to do all of this. I was just looking for my clothes and purse. I need to get going before any more of the day passes"

I can't bear to look at him as I tell him I'm leaving so I just stare at my plate and concentrate on eating

"You're leaving?" He asks me in a broken voice that makes my heart clinch

"Yes, I have to. Thank you for everything you've done for me, but I can't stay here"

He takes a seat on the stool next to me before speaking again "Is it something I've done? Have I made you uncomfortable?"

The agony in his voice forces me to look at his face and I regret it immediately. His beautiful face is contorted with a look or pure sadness and guilt

"No!" I gasp and grab his hand "You've been perfect but I can't stay in one place very long especially with other people around. You don't understand, you could already be in danger because of me and I won't stay and make it worse"

With my last word I stand and put my plate in the sink before walking towards the staircase

"Jennie wait" He calls for me and I quickly wipe the stray tear from my face before turning toward him

"Listen, I don't know what you're running from but I can assure you I am in no danger and as long as I'm around, neither are you"

"Taehyung you don't understand. He won't stop. He'll chase me until he finds me and he'll destroy everyone and everything in his path to do it"

"He?" He asks in a growl and I swear his eyes darken "Is he the one who hurt you? Who put your life and your baby's life in danger?"

I wince at his choice of words but his tone leaves no choice but to answer so I simply nod my head

"Jennie I promise you he will never hurt you again and if he comes here he will be the one who will be hurting. I will protect you"

"But Taehyung, you're not getting this. He won't stop. I belong to him"

I hear his surprised gasp but I can't bear to look in his eyes so I find a spot on the carpet and don't take my eyes off of it

"You belong to him?" He spits, the venom in his voice making me wince and back away from him

"I'm sorry" He says, his voice infinitely softer than before "I didn't mean to frighten you but sweetheart what do you mean you belong to him?"

Taking a deep breath, I steel myself to tell him the truth "He's my husband" I whisper, wincing at the word 'husband'

Squeezing my eyes shut, I prepare to hear him walk out of the room or even throw me out of his house. I went all of this time without telling him that I'm a married woman. I belong to someone else. What I'm not prepared for is the gentle touch of his cool fingers under my chin or the sweet brushes of his thumb on my cheeks wiping away the tears that I didn't know had fallen

"Jennie" His sweet, soft voice calls out to me "Angel, please look at me"

His hand is now cupping my face and gently running his thumb along my uninjured cheek. My eyes slowly open and I'm surprised when see the sadness and pure love in his eyes

"I'm so sorry" He whispers and a few more tears leak down my face at the agony in his voice. I just shrug because I don't know what to do. It's not his fault and really I don't know what he's apologizing for

"Hey, don't do that" He says before framing my face in his large hands "Don't shrug or blow this off like its not big deal. This is a tragedy. My heart breaks when I think that the one person who was supposed to cherish and love you above all others betrayed you in this way. A wife is a man's greatest treasure and to think that you were never treated as such is an atrocity. You, beautiful girl, were made for great love and passion; the kind of love that keeps you awake at night because reality is far better than anything you could ever dream. You deserve to be held and kissed and told everyday how beautiful and special you are. I'm sorry that you've never had that before, but you have it now"

Leaning forward, he places a sweet kiss on my forehead before looking back into my eyes

"Please don't leave. Stay. Let me show you how you should be loved. I don't know if you can feel the connection we have, but I do and I don't think I can let you go. We can go at your pace. We can just be friends for now but please stay with me" His eyes are full of hope and I can't look away as I murmur "yes" to him. His smile lights up the room as he sighs in relief. "Thank you sweet girl" He says and kisses my forehead again "Now I have planned our day, that is if you're agreeable to that of course. I would like to take you to the hospital and do an ultrasound to make sure little peanut is okay and see how far along you are. I can put you in a private room and do the scan myself so you won't have to answer any questions or even have to have an official chart. After that I would like to take you shopping for some clothes. I'm sure you would like to have some things of your own, and I would be happy to help. I'm not as good at shopping as my friend Lisa is, but I'm sure I can make it through"

He chuckles at his own joke and I'm struck for the hundredth time today just how lucky I am that he found me

I must have been quiet for too long because his voice sounds nervous when he speaks again "Jennie is that okay?"

I smile brightly at him and reply "It sounds perfect"

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