Treasured Ruin

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"The king of the Paldean Empire was a very dissatisfied man.

He had just conquered another Paldean nation that was very obvious to meet their doom. But even with all this power, it wasn't enough.

'I got mine, but I want more,' he says to himself.

After not receiving any news from the on-going battle with another small Paldean nation, came an interesting request.

'Sir! There is someone willing to trade with you!'

'Let them in.'

A man with stormy-gray eyes and blonde hair came in.

'Hello! I heard you are a very powerful king. I hope I'm not intruding on anything.'

'No no. I'm having a very big case of boredom. I have nothing else to do.'

'I've heard of you. Conquered even the most powerful nations in Paldea, didn't you?'

'That I did, young man. What do you say? What is your name?'

'Ah, yes, my new friend. My name is Volo. I came from the East bringing treasure.'

'Treasure? I am quite interested in what you have. Show me.'

Volo brings a cloth out of his bag, in the cloth are four items: Two pieces of a broken sword and two jade beads.

'Oh, right!' Volo realizes. 'I have these tablets too!'

Volo reached into his bag and got the cloth that the tablets were inside of. Each tablet was wrapped in cloth too.

'And I also brought something outside, but I left it in the reception. Would you like to see it?'

The king looked at each treasure deeply, but the ones he was most fond of were the tablets.

'I want to see that other treasure you brought.'

Volo and the king went to the main hall where a vessel was waiting for him. Volo then laid all the treasure to the king.

'Yes! I'd like to have all of them!'

Without Volo realizing, he was showered with gold coins.

'I want them all! I need to see them!'

Without warning, the king got all the treasure, yes, even the heavy vessel, and ran to his room.

But Volo, he smiled. His plan worked. Making the alibi that he was from the east, that he collected these treasures from someone who didn't want them. Volo was bored, and he decided to time travel from when Dawn beat him to his own game. Arceus didn't want him? Well, he didn't care any more for his creator. He wanted to be a menace.

So when he saw the Paldean Empire fall to these four treasures - no, Pokémon. He laughed genuinely. He hadn't had this much fun since Dawn was collecting the plates for him, and that was saying something."

"But why are you telling me this?" Juliana asked him.

"Because I am he, and I want to see the four treasures of ruin you have caught," Volo said.

Treasured RuinWhere stories live. Discover now