Chapter 1: Where do we start...

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"I only did my duty, and what I was told to do as well as I could."

- Simo Hayha


First, make sure your mosin is clean.

Second, reach into one of your ammo pouches and grab a clip.

Third, pull the bolt back to open it and load the cartridges.

Fourth, push the bolt forward as far as you can and then close it.

Fifth, wrap your dominant hand around the grip and keep your index finger above the trigger guard.

Sixth, hold the front of the guard with your other hand but do not touch the barrel.

Seventh, place the butt of the mosin on the meaty part of your shoulder so you do not dislocate your arm.

Eighth and this is your choice, you can wrap the sling around the hand that is holding the front of the mosin if you want better control but it is your decision.

Ninth, twist the safety of the bolt in so the mosin can fire.

Tenth, place your finger inside the trigger guard.

Eleventh, look down the iron sights of the mosin and keep an eye on your target.

Now take a deep breath in.

Pull the trigger.


A bullet whizzed through the freezing air of Finland passing multiple trees, branches and logs before striking into a white-tailed deer's skull. The noise of the skull being crushed by the impact of a 7.62×53mmR round. Grouse birds flew in the air as the shot rung throughout the forest before slowly coming to an end with the white-tailed deer lying lifeless on the snowy ground with the snow slowly turning red around it's head.

Now pull the bolt up and push it backwards then push it forwards. That is how you fire a rifle Youko.

The White Witch: From Karelia She Came, a Girls Und Panzer Story.

These were one of the memories she remembered before her grandfather passed away seven years ago but it was only a month and twenty-seven days away from reaching eight years. Standing in front of his grave. Youko, noticeable by her pale hair and icy blue eyes, wearing her usual royal blue light cap with the letter K in the middle and a long white parka as a winter coat. Black fleece pants and black female Hai Winter boots from Nokian Footwear.

It was currently February second meaning, the weather in Finland was usually negative seven degrees as usual in Southern Finland. If it was Northern Finland, that would be a different story but Finland is in the Northern part of the world so it only seemed fair that it was a lot more chilly than countries near the equator. Around her was foot-high and fluffy snow with its white and soft texture that sparkled due to the sunlight reflecting off of it. It was beautiful but ice hid under it waiting for their prey to step on it and lose their grip like an anti-personnel mine sitting on a dirt road waiting for an unsuspecting soldier to step on it and go BOOM. Either that soldier loses their legs and becomes crippled for the rest of their life or, they die from shrapnel or maybe blood loss. However, to Youko, it was simply part of the war and that's how she felt when looking at her grandfather's grave.

Staring at the grave that has two flower pots with pink flowers in front of it mostly covered in snow but still visible. Yellow flowers in the middle in front of them that somehow managed to make themselves known through the heavy snow, two small bushes on the side with more white fluffy snow sitting on it as the black grave with snow as a hat in the middle of the bushes and behind the flowers remained their stone as a concrete. Probably because it was attached to the ground. The grave had words in a golden color attached to it, the top of the grave said 'HÄYHÄ' in large letters while the middle in smaller letters said 'SIMO' and '17.12.1905 - 1.4.2002'. To the left, there was a Christian Cross but it seemed more like a decoration than a meaning towards the grave.

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