The Shadow on Dove Avenue

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Emma stared out of the window of her apartment at the park. The lights were shining bright at the entrance in the dark night. This was her favorite view and she would always find herself just standing here. A soft smile lifted her lips as she looked out at the still night.

Her eyes moved away from the park entrance and across the road. Her favorite café was visible with its lights shining bright. However, just behind the café was a little alley that left a dark shadow across the sidewalk. A chill crept along her spine as she stared at the dark area.

She closed her eyes and tried to shake the feeling, but when her eyes opened once more they immediately found a dark silhouette hiding in the shadows. The silhouette was large, probably belonging to a man. At first, Emma thought he was just smoking while leaning against the wall until light glinted across something in his hands.

Her heart froze as she tried to act. She felt like she was stuck as she watched the man. Her fingers twitched as she wondered if she should call 911. This man was obviously up to no good. Before she could step away from the window though, her eyes caught sight of a second figure. This time a woman wearing a short, one-sleeved navy blue dress.

She had a large smile on her face as she moved along with some pep. Something seemed familiar about the woman, but Emma couldn't put her finger on why. The woman slowed slightly as her eyes fell on the shadowed corner. As Emma watched, she couldn't help the soft pleading whisper, "Please cross the street. Don't go into the dark patch. Just don't. Please."

Of course, the woman couldn't hear her quiet pleading and walked confidently forward after shaking her head. The second she passed the corner the man grabbed her and pulled her into the shadows. The woman's mouth dropped open and her eyes widened as a scream pierced the air. Emma's scream stopped as she found herself suddenly in motion as she dialed 911 and ran to the door.

"911, How can I help you?" came the steady voice on the other end.

"He just grabbed her. I think he had a knife," came Emma's frantic reply as she opened the door to the stairs.

"Where mam?"

"Outside Holly's Cafe on Dove Avenue."

"Help is on the way. Where are you now?"

"I am in my apartment building... I have to help her," Emma responded breathlessly before hanging up to concentrate on descending the stairs. Her feet quickly carried her out of the building. Blue and red lights were already shining from just outside the cafe and Emma quickly moved to them. The officers seemed to be looking around in confusion.

"Did you stop him? Please tell me he didn't hurt her. I should've acted when I first saw him. I can't believe I waited so long. I was too late wasn't I?" Her frantic questions flooded into tears as she approached one of the officers.

His eyebrows furrowed at her questions and he asked, "Did you call it in?" Emma nodded before he continued, "Where did you see the attack?"

Emma's wide eyes shot to his before flying to the dark corner and she pointed to the alley, "Right there. He grabbed her and pulled her into the alley. I saw something glint in his hand."

The officer followed her finger before moving swiftly into the alley with his partner. Not much time passed before they returned and the officer looked at her and stated, "There is nothing there mam. Not even blood. Are you sure you know what you saw?"

Her head nodded vigorously and she declared, "Of course, I know what I saw! I am not drunk or high. I was in my apartment looking out my window and I saw the man in the shadows and the woman walking down the sidewalk. I saw him grab her and I saw her scream."

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