Chapter 3

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As Blast looked at the God with his glazed eyes, the flames around him dissipated into the atmosphere.
"Another foolish human? I'll let you live if you just go now." Kagutsuchi said. He waited a minute while Blast stared at him.
"Didn't you just see what I did to that other human?" Another minute passed. "The lack of sound from you is kinda creepy, and it takes a lot for a God to say that. Although this grudge is against my father, I've given you enough time to leave, now you will leave and go join Mother in her plain." Kagutsuchi said, his sword materialising.

Kagutsuchi was bare chested and unmuscular, he wore red three-quarter length leggings and sandals. His sword was a katana with a flame pattern on its blade, the hilt contained various kanji.
Kagutsuchi made the first attack, cutting and slashing across Blast's body, Blast silently evaded though, before attempting to counter by spinning around the God and slashing across his bare back. Kagutsuchi walked forwards an extra pace though, out of reach of Akaka's edge. Kagutsuchi turned to face the red-haired boy again, he launched an attack but Blast blocked it with his katana, both were only using one hand. Blast forced Kagutsuchi to raise his katana with his block, and with the blades scraping walked forwards and punched the God in the stomach with his left hand, Kagutsuchi stepped back twice and quickly put himself in a two-handed defensive stance.
"To be touched by a human, we believe one born in every millennia can do that in battle. Shame that even with that, we account for them having Magic, and that one person cannot kill us in any simulation."
"I have Magic." Blast said, running towards the God, in an attacking stance, Blast had both hands on his sword.
"Fire Wall" Kagutsuchi cast as Blast ran towards him, stopping a hairs breadth from the flames and jumping back. Blasts eyes glowed red as he cast his spell. "Ka Ryu Ignite" Blasts body erupted into flame, as did his sword, wings of fire on his back flapped once making Blast airborne.
"A human can't do that. Izanagi, what have you given these kids as magic?"
I haven't taught them anything apart from Creation Magic, I created some rules that they could develop their own Elemental styles to use, but I have never taught anyone about the Elemental Magics in the world. Else... Once again Izanagi cut himself from continuing his sentence.
Blast walked through the Fire Wall, the flames being absorbed into the Elemental Armour.
"Fire Release: Burn Out!" Blast evaded the air-consuming flame which appeared where he had stood, it quickly burned out.
"Amaterasu Sun Slash." Blast cast, running towards Kagutsuchi, the flames from his sword burning brightly like the sun. As he got within two metres of the god, he jumped into the air and spun for a total of one thousand and eighty degrees, Akaka extended, before landing, a trail of flames following the sword, from the third three-sixty, the blade had cut above Kagutsuchi's eyebrow. "Fire Wall." The Flame God cast before he jumped back, the fire rising where Blast stood. The Fire God looked panicked and shocked. "I have nothing to fear, I can't be sent back to The Heavens by a human, only Gods can beat Gods in combat."
Kagutsuchi steeled himself and realised his mistake.
"Dragon Fire!" Blast shouted, a fireball shot towards the God from his spell that had shrunk into a human shape. Kagutsuchi avoided the blast but three more came after, singing his black hair.
"Fire Release: Deathly Flame Slash." Kagutsuchi ran towards Blast, his sword outstretched. The blades connected, making a clang as Kagutsuchi ran past, he turned and tried to stab Blast through his back, but Blast was also turning. Kagutsuchi's sword glanced off of Blast's armour, he merged the black flames from his spell that had been coming from his sword into a shield that blocked Blast's sharp edge from piercing his arm.
"These human bodies are flimsy compared to my Celestial Body." Kagutsuchi moaned, knowing he had just scraped past from an injury that could of cost the battle.
The two went back to attacking each other, sometimes Blast would gain an aerial advantage by using his flaming wings.

Blast swung his sword from an aerial attack he was performing, Kagutsuchi blocked, "Fire Dispersal." The God cast, turning into flames and reappearing in front of Blast, in a defensive stance he had taken in the time to land.
"Such speed..." Kagutsuchi said before attacking the boy.
Blast swung his sword, making contact with Kagutsuchi's, and then pushing Kagutsuchi up into the air and backwards.
"Such power..."
Kagutsuchi's body turned into fire and he disappeared. Blast held his sword defensively and quickly cast, "Fire Wall." As the flames appeared, Kagutsuchi's blade glanced off the pillar of flames.
"And his rate of learning in battle..."
Kagutsuchi reappeared in front of Blast.
"O forgive me for the forbidden spell I cast but I believe in the justification of using it for I believe my opponent is in fact a New God." Kagutsuchi said.
"Forbidden Fire God Magic: Pyro Magic Negation God Sealing Slash. I, Kagutsuchi cast the forbidden spell only against another fighting at the level of a God. Incinerate!" Kagutsuchi cut across Blast's body, a red magic circle appearing on the ground with both the caster and target at the centre.
"Creation Magic: Shield." Blast cast, a black cylinder appearing between him and the flaming sword of Kagutsuchi.
"If you were a God, you wouldn't be able to do that, but a human wouldn't be able to make me use that. What are you?!" Kagutsuchi shouted.
Blast jumped into the air, flapping his wings, his body and sword flaming, his eyes glowing red. "I am the one thing worse than any human or God can create or fight. I am change." Blast lifted his sword upwards into the air.
"Fire Destruction: Amaterasu Sun Slayer!" Blast cast, the sun turning pitch black suddenly, plunging the world into darkness apart from the two flaming warriors. Blast spun three times before connecting with Kagutsuchi's body, slicing straight through his torso.

"Was I truly just defeated... By no less than a normal human?" Kagutsuchi said as his physical body began to disintegrate from around his wound.
"Blast. I'll get revenge on you, and I'll damn you to whatever Hell I can find with a spare space." Kagutsuchi smiled.
"But first, my own Hell awaits you at your own village." Kagutsuchi's torso, arms and legs had disappeared, leaving only his head. "Second. When I get my revenge. I hope we can have another good fight." His face disappeared as he finished, his celestial body ascending quickly, to The Heavens, where he would have to remain for a year.
Blast fell to the ground. His eyes clear again, his flaming body spell finished.

Many of the remaining soldiers had given up, only three other members of the Creation Village squad could return to the village running to face Kagutsuchi's Hell. The rest were either injured or defeated. Blast was glad to see some Kagutsuchi warriors performing healing spells on those that could be saved from both sides.
In the distance, black smoke rose into the sky.

Blast caught up to the other three members of the small army, two of which were Water Magic users, the third was the last standing Sensei; Raima, a teacher of Electric Magic, and user of a bladed bow in combat.
"Blast, your mana..." Raima said, who had learnt how to measure his opponents and allies from electric impulses in their bodies. "I'll be fine."
"Can you even cast one Shield?" The Sensei asked.
"Yes, but only the one."
"Black smoke suggests that this is a fire." The female of the Water users said, Mizu.
"And that they can only use Fire Magic." The water using male said, his name was scarcely known even around the close village.
"You two can put it out?" Raima asked.
"If you can tell us where it is and how large, we can begin on it before we even enter the village. " Mizu asked
"Where is everyone gathered?"
"Supposing it is not the enemy, the largest collection of life is along the market, the fire seems to have taken hold of an entire half of our village." Raima said.
The fire shouldn't spread anymore if you douse the walls going over the river.
"Where is the rest of the army?" Blast asked.
"Seemingly gone." Raima said.

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