Goldy Pond Cafe: Insert The Trio

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Another day at work for Yuugo, he actually liked his job unlike most adults his age.

It was early afternoon so he was making more food and drinks before the lunch rush when the kids got off from the nearby school and adults from work. Right now it was peaceful. The people here now being the neighborhood grandmas and small children accompanied by their parents.

He sold tea, mostly, along with coffee and snacks. Yuugo had always loved cafes, tea, tea parties, all of it. He knew his younger self would be squealing at the fact he now owned and ran his own cafe.

It was a lot of work considering he's been gaining popularity lately, especially with the school nearby, so it was getting harder to run this place by himself. Yuugo made a mental note to start looking into part time employees.

Like always the slow atmosphere didn't last as students started coming in to get lunch here, something Yuugo didn't understand since from what he's heard Gracefield has good lunches, he was able to at least recognize most of the students.

Yuugo watched to see if there were any new kids.

Yuugo's attention was drawn towards the door when he heard the bell ring.

He recognized the two girls walking in Michelle and Olivia, there were three younger kids with them, two boys and a girl.

'There's the newbies.' Yuugo thought to himself with a smile.

"What can I serve ya kids today?" Yuugo asked as they came up to the counter.

The 3 younger kids looked up at Michelle and Olivia, clearly new to this.

“We’ll just have our usual.” Said Michelle

“Got it, and for the youngins?” Asked Yuugo

“Pick anything you guys want, we’ll pay.” Olivia told them

“Nah, don’t worry about it, It’s their first time so that means they get a big discount.”

Yuugo saw the way the children's eyes lit up with joy, as well as the knowing smile from Michelle and Olivia.

"So we can order whatever then?" Asked the emo looking kid, he had a long fringe covering one of his eyes, of course he looked emo. Wasn't the kid like 4? Whatever, Yuugo never claimed to understand children.

"Yep, but only one thing." Yuugo made sure to clarify, he seemed like the little shit type.

The other two looked at the menu, eyes sparkling, though their mouths were frowned, most likely it’s their first time ordering at a food place so they were probably overwhelmed.

"The jelly filled croissants are good, why don't you guys have those?" Michelle suggested, seemingly taking notice of the kids' delmia. Ahh to be young.

The 3 kids nodded their heads, the albino boy and antenna girl both far more enthusiastic than their cyclops friend.

"Three jelly filled croissants coming right up. I'll add some strawberry cream tea with it as well.

Yuugo went behind the counter to prepare their order, distantly hearing one of the kids gushing about something Yuugo didn’t care enough to listen to.

It didn't take long for him to get their orders. All the food was pre-made and the drinks didn't take long to make.

"Order up!" Yuugo called out

Yuugo's other favorite thing was watching the childrens reaction to eat what they ordered for the first time.

Out of the three, anntana girl's reaction was the most noticeable. Her eyes lit up and she got a big derpy grin on her face that only someone her age could have.

The albino kid was also sweet, his eyes lit up in a similar way to anntans but his smile was much softer. Yuugo could tell Cyclops tried to hide his reaction but failed to do so.

Yuugo smiled to himself another set of happy customers.

The kids, anntana mostly, gushed to the older girls how good it was before turning her attention to him.

"Mister, how do you make the food and drinks here?"

"I order the food from another company but drinks I follow ressapie." Now normally he would make up some bullshit about fairies and stuff but he knew from experience that the Gracefield kids were smarter than that. Even if anntana believed him the other two, cyclops mostly, would call him out on his bullshit.

"Ohh, what's the recipe?" She asked next

"That's a secret." Yuugo said winking

Anntana pouted for a second but still took the answer happily.

"I'll figure it out!" She declared

"Good luck." Yuugo said slightly amused

"Guys, we should start heading back to school if we don’t want to be late." Michelle reminded.

"Aww, okay. Bye bye mister!" Antenna said.

"Later antenna," Yuggo responded, Cyclops, Olivia, and Michelle laughing at the name.

"My name's Emma!" She yelled back at him.

"Yeah yeah, now get out of here antenna," She huffed but still started to leave. "Cyclops and old man too." The two boys stopped, Cyclops no longer laughing.

"I don't have 1 eye!" Cyclops said

"Really? I don't see the other eye." Yuugo shot back, anntana now laughing at him.

Yes, he did enjoy pissing off children, and no he did not need a new hobby.

Old man didn't say anything, he just looked exasperated, odd and a 5 year old but whatever.

"Alright guys, come on." Michelle reminded once again.

They all huffed but followed the older girl. Yuugo could hear them talking in the distance , probably about the nicknames he gave them when they first came.

They grow up so fast.

But back to business, he had two people still waiting in line.

Order up!

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