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Hae-Won POV

I was walking downstairs to the kitchen when I got a call from Jee. I answered my phone."Hello" I said through the phone."Hae-Won can you meet me at ******" he said as he waited for me to answer."Okay, see you then" I replied as I hung up the phone. I grabbed my shoes and walked outside. I walked to the location that Jee gave me. When I got their I saw Mr. Jeon Jung-kook. I bowed down to him. He told me not to bow."Wait why are you here" I said as I looked at him and my brother."Eun found his soulmate" Jee said as he handed me a picture of Eun soulmate."A kid" I said as I looked at them."Jun-Min can age up to 16. He's a vampire hybrid so it only take him 2 months to age. Right now he's 5, in 2 months he'll be 6" Jungkook said as he explained the rest of Jun-Min age limits to me. I nodded to everything he saying and writing it down so I could remember. Now I know why they just called me. Ha-Rin is homophobic so if they told her she would have hurt Jungkook son."So what do we do about Ha-Rin" I said as I looked at them. Hyun-Ki smirked as he looked at Jee."Nothing, Ha-Rin is just going have to deal with it. And she can't hurt a Royal Blooded Omega can she now" Hyun-Ki said as he looked at Jungkook who eyes turned royalty. I was shocked but only for a little. That explains his amulet he has on his neck I thought as I looked at his amulet.

"Your amulet, it represents your position as a Royal Omega doesn't it" I asked as I looked at him

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"Your amulet, it represents your position as a Royal Omega doesn't it" I asked as I looked at him. He nodded as he felt a pain in his stomach."Why are y'all moving so much" he said as he put a hand on his stomach. Jungkook eyes turned white as his head went up in the air. After 40 seconds his head went back down as he looked at me. He looked at my brother then back at me."Hae-Won can I borrow those notes please" he said as he looked at me. I nodded and handed him the notes.

Jungkook POV

Hae-Won gave me the notes as I turned around. I rip the notes quietly as I threw it on the ground. I turned back around as I handed her back the notes. Eun told her to go home and they see her there. She nodded and left. After she was long gone they looked at me."The pups were telling me that she was trouble and we couldn't trust her. At first I thought it was them just kicking when I had my vision and saw what they were trying to tell me. Hae-Won was going use the notes and tell Ha-Rin and they were going to hurt me and Jun-Min" I said as I looked at them. They nodded and we went separate ways. I made it to the house and opened the door to unhappy alphas. "Where the hell have you been" Jhope said as he and the other looked at me."With the boys" I said as I walked to the living room. Min-Jae and I.N was watching a cartoon on the Tv and Bang Chan was playing a board game on the floor. Jungkook smiled and went upstairs where Felix and the others were at. He went to Felix room to see Sanha, Bambam, Robert and someone I didn't know."Oh hi Jungkook, this is Wooyoung. He's the omega of Ateez Pack" Bambam said as he looked at me.
I nodded and smiled at the oldest. He smiled a little then he pulled his jacket over his arms. I looked at Felix who grabbed me by my arm and took me to the hallway."Wooyoung is getting abused by his mates because of how he act and how he sound. They doesn't like his voice nor how he act" Felix said as he looked back in the room at Wooyoung. We heard a knock on the door as Jimin went to open it. He telled up "WOOYOUNG YOUR MATES ARE HERE" He screamed. It was very annoying. Wooyoung came out of the room and walked downstairs. He bowed to the alphas as he left. Me and Felix was worry for Wooyoung.

Wooyoung POV

We walked out of the house and got in the car. I looked at the car floor as I felt tears come down my face. I don't feel comfortable with them at all. I felt a hand on my head as I flinched. I looked up to see Seonghwa hand on my head. I shook it off and put my hoodie on."Woo what's your problem" I hear Hong-Joong say as he looked back at me."My problem is that I'm not dead yet" I said as I dig my nails in my arms."Why the hell would you want to be dead" San said as he stopped the car."Hehe y'all funny, y'all don't remember abusing me or did it slip y'all minds" I said as I looked at them.
"So don't pretend that y'all don't remember hurting me for my child behavior or how I talk. Because I love that about me and I love myself sometimes. I hate y'all and I don't love y'all. I want y'all dead. Y'all hear me. I fucking hate y'all and I want y'all dead" I said as I felt tears come down my face even more. I got out of the car and ran. I didn't even look back. I just kept running. I ran until I got to the park. I laid down on the bench as I cried my eyes out. I cried so much that I didn't even realize that it was night time. I was freezing but I couldn't go home. I couldn't face them. They hate me just like I hate them. Eventually I fell asleep and the last thing I remember was a squirrel staring at me. Next thing I knew I woke up in a comfortable bed with my Pikachu Pj's on. I shot up right away. I looked around and I noticed Mingi sitting in a chair with his head on the bed. I looked at him as he started to wake up. He looked at me then I guess he mind link the others cause they were here in a snap of the fingers."Look who's up" Yunho said as he sat on the edge of the bed."You can't just run off like that. Luckily San knew where to find you" Jongho said as he looked at me. I rolled my eyes and laid back down and throw the covers over my head. I didn't care if I died or anything. I hate them. I hate them so much it hurts. I just left an abusive relationship and now I'm back in one. I FUCKING HATE THEM. I started crying hugging the covers when I was lifted up."Shhh little one it's okay. Can we tell you something" Yunho said as he held me in his arms. I just looked at the bed as Seonghwa started."You were never suppose to be here. You were suppose to be dead but we brought you back to life. We thought if we abused you we wouldn't be able to lose you but I guess we were wrong" Seonghwa said as he made a portal."You can leave, you can finally pass over" Mingi said as he looked at me. I looked at the portal then back at them. I jumped out of Yunho arms and walked towards the portal. I closed my eyes and turned around. I ran towards them and hugged them."I might hate y'all but I can't leave y'all" I said as I looked up at them. They looked at me then smiled. Hong-Joong patted my head and smiled. I smiled too and jumped back in the bed. I heard them chuckle at me then they join me. I'm happy I'm staying.

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