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  ╰┈➤ ❝ [I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night] ❞

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  ╰┈➤ ❝ [I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night] ❞

THE FAMILIAR ENGINE ROAR of Seo-jun's motorcycle filled Ji-an's ears as she was making her way into the school building. The Kim girl quickly moved to the side trying to avoid getting run over by the vehicle as she watched the motorcycle stop right in front of her. Seo-jun pulled the key out of the ignition taking his helmet off right after, revealing the messy black hair underneath it. Unbothered, he started to fix his hair, not paying any mind to the angry girl standing beside him.

"You almost ran me over, asshole." Ji-an quietly hissed, causing the Han boy to shrug in response as he finished fixing his hair with a last look at his reflection through the glass of his helmet.

"Key word, almost." Putting the helmet on top of the motorcycle, Seo-jun swung his legs over the seat, his feet hitting the ground with a soft thud. "How are you planning to do this fake dating thing?"

Ji-an's eyes widened, looking around. "Could you please lower your voice? Everyone's watching." She whispered, her words made Seo-jun frown in confusion before he finally looked at their surroundings, a look of realization took over his face as he realized all of the students had stopped walking to watch their interaction, a few even taking pictures.

"My bad sweetheart."

Ji-an falsely smiled, deciding to answer the boy's previous question. "All we have to do is make people notice by dropping a few hints. Some students are already spreading rumors in the school's community, so this should be quite easy thanks to the stunt you pulled yesterday in the cafeteria. Then we'll make it official, but they will probably do it for us before we even get a chance."

Seo-jun nodded. "Yeah, that's a good idea."

The Kim girl mirrored his movement before pausing, Seo-jun also did the same, the two teenagers sharing a confused look, "Don't do that again."

He frowned. "What do you mean?"

"You're not supposed to agree with me. I mean I know I'm right, in fact I always am but still it's weird." She explained watching as Seo-jun sighed heavily, obviously annoyed.

"Fine, your plan sucks and I don't think it's gonna work. Happy?" Seo-jun asked, as he played with the keys in his hand.


The Han boy nodded, "Great, then let's get this started."

With that he placed his hands on her shoulders pushing her into the direction of the school's entrance as the students watched their every move. Many whispers surrounded them as the two teenagers walked through the halls side-by-side catching the attention of everyone inside. Slightly uncomfortable, Ji-an looked up at the tall boy beside her, instantly suppressing an eye roll as she saw a smirk starting to form on his lips.

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