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Jungkook didn't think for a second stepping forward he wrapped his arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. Namjoon hands have their sense wrapped around his back as well. Jimin is blushing and Jhope is wondering why jimin is blushing. It's just a fan. He hit him with his elbow and raised his eyebrows questioning " What?"

Jimin only shook his head as if nothing, yet blushing. Then he looked at his aunty.

" I think we should go ahead. Right. Umm, Jk we are waiting..."

Namjoon pushed a little bit to break the hug.

" Can I click a picture with you Jungkook-shi? Please I am your biggest fan please."

Namjoon noticed how jungkook's mom was making weird faces like he was doubting something and hell she was right though. He took out his phone to take a selfie and jimin rushed to stand next to jungkook Hope joined them as well when jimin gestured to him.

Namjoon simply stood there but he was pulled by his waist, extremely closer to jungkook. Nam looked at his mom before clicking. Nevertheless, he can request she's already shook his head as no.

Clicking many selfies he said bye to them not as he wanted. He wanted to kiss jungkook on the forehead. He was yearning for more of a hug. He felt pain again letting him go. He stayed there till jungkook was out of his view. Jungkook glanced back at him twice feeling as salt on his fresh wound. He just wanted him in his arms, in his life at any cost.

He thanked yoongi for letting him know about jungkook arriving on time. If he hadn't called him at the very moment when he arrived from Ilsan to Seoul then he wouldn't have been able to see his Jungkook.

He returned to his apartment and that night he drank till he lost consciousness and fell asleep on the sofa. The next morning he checked his phone and he regretted his choice as there was a missed call from jungkook. He didn't call him back at the moment. He took a long bath and had breakfast. He didn't forget to take an aspirin.

He arrived at the restaurant on time. To check if everyone doing their job or not he went to the enclosure. Taking a deep breath he dialled Jungkook's number. The first time, he didn't receive but thankfully he received a second chance.

" Hello! " Jungkook said.

" Hmm. Who's it?"

Jungkook was still asleep. Thank God he didn't disturb him earlier however he disturbed him now anyway.

" Jungkook. It's me Namjoon. Am I disturbing you? "

Jungkook opened his eyes fully and rubbed them. He sat down and leaned on the headboard.

" Jungkook.." Namjoon called him to check if he was still in line.

" You did disturb us ?"

" Huh? " Jungkook said and Joon's eyes widened.

" Are you? ..."

" I was about to kiss his fucking cute dimple in my dream and you just called me. Idiot. "

Namjoon blushed and jungkook smirked from the other side.

" Oh, I see. I am hanging out then. "

Waste It On Me : Namkook ✓Where stories live. Discover now