Morning Routines and Anxiety Inducing Meetings

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November 25th, 2022, 5:00 am

You wake up to the beautiful sound of birds outside your window, chirping and singing as the morning swept over D.C like a wave. Real disney princess-esq vibes here, feeling rejuvenated and as awake as ever.

Haha.. yeah, right...

You (actually) wake up to the screeching sound of your alarm on your bedside table, waking you up from a spectacular 5 hours of sleep that you got from rolling around in your bed and stressing about the upcoming day. After groggily slamming your alarm's OFF button you remember why today was so important; today you receive your first major mission from your current job as a low-rank spy at the Assassins and Spies Coalition of America (ASCA). You had no clue what you were about to get into, but you figured that you would be able to make it through this task no matter how much of an amateur you were. However, it did suck that your boss needed you to come to work early to earn your mission.

You turned over the sheets and blankets on your bed and sat up, staring through the open window at the empty wall of brick from the neighboring apartment building and taking a deep breath of crisp morning air. You wished you could just stay in bed forever, but now (especially today) wasn't the right time for that so you stretched out your back, cracked your knuckles,  and finally got out of your bed.

Your morning routine was the most barebones routine that you could manage; a cold shower to wake you up, putting on loose clothes and your ASCA ID, making a quick breakfast, brushing your teeth, blasting your hair with a hair dryer, packing your messenger bagm and heading out the door as quickly as possible. It all passed by you like a blur, as it always did. You checked your watch on your way to your car; 5:30, your best time yet of 30 minutes to get ready. You felt ready for the day despite the lurking feeling in your gut that whatever mission you receive will blow up in your face; as most things for you seem to do.

6:15 am

The 45 minute car drive gave you some "me-time" before your eventual return to the crazy world of spy-dom. Not too far outside the main tourist attractions of D.C sat a large company building and its neighboring multistory parking lot, almost unnoticeable to the average D.C citizen as it looked bland and dull; just like every other company building in D.C. You pulled your car into the dingy parking garage and parked it near similar small cars on the second level, locking your car and swinging the keys on your finger as you headed out of the parking lot and into the beige building adjacent to it.

The lobby of the building was filled with the stench of moist carpet and overworked middle aged desk employees, really adding to the realistic and hidden feel of the building that you knew was all a facade. The fluorescent lights lined the ceiling and added to the unsavory vibe of the lobby,  reassuring you of the fact that you were glad to leave this room as soon as possible. You headed for the front desk, headed by a young secretary who was playing solitaire on his old windows computer; hardly watching the front door for any ASCA employees. It took him a minute to notice you standing by his desk, causing him to zone back into his job and scan your ID with a manual scanner, waving you off and immediately returning to his game just as a secret passageway in the wall opened up for you to enter.The hallway was dim and still reeked of the lobby's smell, and it led to an elevator meant to take you to the "real" company building down below.

A few minutes alone in the empty elevator took you to the main floor of the ASCA building, a large open lobby covered in shades of grays and blacks and lit by bright white fluorescent lights, a near tactical variation of a typical office building. Just like the elevator, it was practically empty with only the faint sound of agents working in their offices beyond the main lobby. It was empty of the typical sounds of the shooting gallery downstairs, the tons of people moving paperwork and important items through the building, and even the sound of "professional" spies gossiping and bragging about their recent missions (those arrogant ones that acted all James Bond-esq really ticked you off). The silence was kind of terrifying, like when the score stops at the most suspenseful part of a horror movie.

Regardless of that creeping feeling in your stomach, you press on through the lobby and make your way towards your office. You open the door to your small, dark office and set your bag down on your desk, taking a minute to sit down at your desk chair and mentally prepare for the meeting you're about to have with your superior..


The meeting... when was the meeting supposed to be...


Upon taking a second to relax you remember that your meeting was supposed to be about a minute ago. You launch out of your seat and sprint to your superior's office, pushing and nearly slamming his door open. Maybe not the best way to enter one of the most important discussions in your career.

His office is nearly twice the size of yours, filled with drawers of files taking up the back section of the room and old weapons hung up on the walls like trophies, the room is almost noir-esq an d is lit in the most dramatic fashion possible. All that sits in front of you is a clear desk with his nametag "Mr.Marwood", an empty chair in front of the desk, and a rotating chair facing the wall away from you. Of course he's pulling that kind of tropey spy-shit, his seriousness really does cover up his need for dramatics and melodrama.

"That's one way of making an entrance" He says snarkily, swiveling the chair only a bit to the right, exposing the right side of his face as he looks back at you with a piercing eye, "poor arrivals aside, let's get down to business." Marwood fully rotates his chair towards you and taps his desk, beckoning you to sit in the chair in front of him. You nervously close the door behind you and sit with him, trying to hide your fidgeting hands under the table. He looks threatening this close, as if he could end you right where you stood with a snap of his finger. His sharp business suit and neat hair say he's all business, even if that business is espionage and action at face value.

"You know why you're here, don't you?" Marwood asks with a cold look on his face, maybe mission could just be a code word for being fired and you realllyyyy fucked up, you hope not, "I noticed your ambition and need for a new opportunity in your career and I want to give you a chance to prove yourself for once."

"Oh thank god," You whisper under your breath.

"Not sure he's the one to be thanking right now," He raises an eyebrow, "I only got you this mission because I practically had to beg our CEO for this chance, so you better know that I trust you with this, kid."

"She had to sign off on this??" You respond, dumbfounded, Marwood nods his head in response.

"I've noticed how skilled you are and figured that you should finally be able to move up a few ranks after all these years" Marwood says as he slides his chair over to the nearby file cabinets and plucking out 7 folders, "You've trained yourself in weapon use, hand to hand combat, and how to break a person and get intel in an instant and we've had you doing minor work for other spies for way too long. What I have right here," He shakes the folders back and forth in his hand "is your ticket out of minor work and straight into the big leagues"

"You mean-"

"Up with the top-level spies in our agency, yes." He drops the folders onto the desk and pushes them over to you, "Just a small mission to tie up... loose ends with another company."

You take the first folder in hand and open it up to the first page..

"Classified Mission #1020 : COGNITO INTEL"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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