Can I ask you something

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Mason's pov
Mason didn't know what to do he was surprised that Aria even had crush on him. He had a crush on her too and was was about to tell her her but that when he heard Tristan yell for them to come down stairs
We got up from her bed and wakes down stairs with aria just to find everyone staring at them
"What were you two doing up there." Miguel said
"We were just talking dude that's all." Mason said looking annoyed
"Yeah, can we make the TikTok now." Aria said
After that everyone went home

Time skip two days later

Mason could not stop thinking about what Aria had said to him the other day he wanted to tell her that he felt the same but he didn't know when to tell her they hung out all the time but nothing seemed like the perfect moment.
That's when Mason got the best idea ever he and Maddy were going to Disney soon he thought that if he could get Aria to come than he could find a way to tell her how he feels.

Aria's pov
It had been two days since Aria has told Mason how she felt and ever since she was a mess she was never the one to get so nervous over a boy but this time was different and she couldn't think straight, mason had called and texted her multiple times but she was to embarrassed to answer she knew that avoiding him wasn't the best idea and that staying in bed overthinking everything was going to make things worse so she decided to get up and she texted Kylie and Maddy asking her f they wanted to go to the arcade with her, they said yes. She got up and started getting ready

 She got up and started getting ready

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She decided to wear this outfit

Once she was dressed she went down stairs to get something to eat. Once she was done Kylie and Maddy arrived, Maddy's mom was going drop them off at the arcade. On the way there Maddy asked what she and Mason were doing upstairs together the other day.
"Seriously tell me what you were doing." Maddy said
"Like Mason said we were just talking." Aria said
"About what?" Maddy said
Aria sighed
"I told that I had a crush on him okay." Aria said
"You did!" Kylie said taking out her earphones
"Really Ari that's great!" Maddy said giving her a side hug
"Yeah except for the fact that he didn't say anything back." Aria said
"Wait he didn't react." Kylie asked
"No he didn't, I think that he's embarrassed of me now." Aria said looking sad
"Well now is not the time for boys, it's girls day and we are gonna have a blast together."
Maddy said
"Yeah you're right." Aria said smiling
When they got to the arcade they got out of the car and went inside they played so many games and went bowling they had a great time

Mason's pov
Mason had decided to text Aria about going to Disney with him and Maddy.

Hey Ari

Ari can we talk

I wanna ask you something

Mason stopped trying to text her and just waited on her to answer. He needed someone to take too so he texted Miguel and told him everything

Hey can I talk to you

Miguel 🤟
Yeah what's up

I'm trying to talk to Ari  but she won't answer me

Miguel 🤟
Wait does this have something to do with what you guys "talked" about the other day

Dude we really did only talk. But she did tell me that she has a crush on me.

Miguel 🤟
Wait dude that's crazy, unless you don't like her back

Of course I like her I wanted to tell her when she told me but Tristan said to come down stairs and I couldn't.

Well you need to tell her dude

I know. I wanna tell her in person. I was gonna ask her if she wanted to come to Disney with me and Maddy but she won't answer

Miguel 🤟
You want me to try and tell her.

No it's fine I will try and talk to her

Okay. talk to you later

Later bro.

Aria's pov
Once Aria got home she finally looked at her phone and saw all the messages from Mason she was shocked that he even texted her. She thought that he was embarrassed if her. She texted him back.

Hey Mason, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner I was at the arcade with Maddy and Kylie and didn't look at my phone

Your fine Aria. Can I ask you something.

Yeah sure

Do you wanna come to Disneyland with me me and Maddy

Maddy told me about that you guys are going for her birthday right. You think she will be ok with me coming.

Yeah. And I'm pretty sure she won't mind let me ask her.

She said sure you can come

Well I'll go then thanks for inviting me

Your welcome 🤗

(a/n: I know that there is a lot of texting in this chapter but this book will end well)

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