Chapter 2

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(Memes POV)
It was Blaza... one of the 'Enemys' He was from the Earth Nation one of my Mother's Least favorite nation because of the bad history behind them "W-what do you want?.." Meme whimper struggling against his grip. "What are you doing here?.. You should already be dead.." Blaza said glaring at Meme. He tightened his grip making him wince in pain, Tears welled up in his eyes while he was starting to feel dizzy. He loosened his grip and He fell limp in his arms. "Stop crying.. please.. I get Emotional when people Cry.." Blaza mumbled  as he picked up the unconscious Memes limp body, He walked through the thick foliage till he reached his little Hut. It was quite a long walk but he didn't mind too much. After all he could easily carry someone on his shoulders... It seemed like forever until he finally reached his hut... but once He made it he opened the Door stepping in before closing and locking it. Afterwards he walked upstairs to his Bed/workroom placing him on a bed, he was still tied up in his Vines. Blaza stretched his arms up looking around in the room searching for his Bookshelf. 'Welp.. now I just wait til he wakes up!' Blaza thought to himself. about maybe 5 or 10 Minutes later Blaza heard little rustling from his bed he turned his head watching as Meme was Squirming and Tossing himself back and Forth, He got up walking over to the Bed, He reached down slowly untying the vines across his wrist, Waist and Ankles he heard him groan from under "Aaa.. your awake Sweet doll~!" Blaza Cooed "W-Wha..t am I doing here- Why are you Here!?" Meme panicked back up against the Wall "First of all this my home second of all I kidnapped you and Third I wanted to kinda Explain stuff to you" Blaza said Quite Calmly while Meme on the Other Hand was so SO confused  why would he kidnap him??? He was probably just going to kill him right??
Before Meme could say anything more Blaza grabbed his arms lifting him off the Ground "Now.. Before you scream... I'm not gonna hurt you okay?! I just want to tell you a story!" Blazas voice rang through the room. "A-alright! I-im Listening.." Meme mumbled little mad that he was on his tippy toes just to be Eye to eye with him. Blaza then slowly placed him down onto the Bed before sitting next to him. "So.. has your Mother or Father ever said that the Reason why the Love Kingdom had War with other Nations?" Blaza Asked first "Y-yes? It's cause the Other Nations heard that I was kind of a Hybrid Prince and Wanted to take me as their own.. And-" Blaza soon cut him off "that is true and the Reason on why is Because your Mother and Father actually Kidnapped you and Pretended to be your Parents. but you actually belonged to the Kingdom of Life and Death" Blaza then Stop to let Meme asks some Questions "The Life and Death Kingdom!? i-isnt- Didn't it get Destroyed after like.. the second War?" Meme asked Confused "Yes and you were the Last survivor and all the Nations wanted to take you in and Make you apart of they're kingdom but.. the Love Kingdom Beat all of the Others to it.." Blaza Explained softly, "So.. I'm.. Not even.. Apart of the Love Kingdom?.." Meme Whispered kinda Sad. Blaza nodded gently "What.. and.. and Noone told me Anything?!" He said Angry "It's cause they didn't want you to know! The love Nation wanted to start a new war to try and Take over.." Blaza Explained again "So.. that's why I'm not allowed to go out... or see other Kingdom Princes?" Meme asked Blaza Nodded back slowly Meme just Stared at him before he started breaking into Tears  "Ohhhh... Its alright! C'mere.." Blaza Said patting on his lap "Pleeeaaaase.." Blaza whispered quietly as Memes knees buckled "Pwease.." Meme sniffled clinging onto him. "I promise I wont do anything unless you agree... But... If you don't it's Fine.. I just want to Comfort you..." Blaza Whispered into his Ears "I-i-- Why w-would t-th-they Lie to-to me?!" Meme Sobbed into his Neck "it's cause they wanted to protect you mem.." Blaza muttered kissing his neck gently trying to calm him down  "Lets.. We'll figure this out together." He said pulling him close to his chest "Breathe... Just breathe..."
Blaza then lifted Memes up bridal style carrying him downstairs and towards the kitchen table. "Where's Medz?" Memes asked quietly looking around. "who?" Blaza Asked "Oh nobody Medz is my Childhood Friend we were supposed to go together but I think he Got stopped at the Castle.." Meme Muttered  looking at the ground "Oh yeah I think I remember him. So who does he look like?" Blaza asked as he sat Meme on his lap leaning against him. "He has black hair.. with blueish green on half his Hair.. and Green Eyes with small white demon wings.." Meme Explained "Ooh.. yeah that guy.. Never liked him.." Blaza muttered under his Breath "What!? hes nice!" Meme Complained "Whatever you say! but I could of been a Better Boyfriend then him.." Blaza Whispered at the End "What was that?" Meme asked "Uhd!- Nothing! Let's just...- Umm I don't know cuddle.." Blaza mumbled nuzzling into his Neck.  "Sigh... whatever lets just cuddle". Meme said snuggling up to him.
After maybe 2 to 3 Hours Blaza woke up  yawning rubbing his eyes. "Good morning sweetheart.. I hope you slept well~" He purred Kissing Memes cheek "Well.. That depends.. Did you wake me up just so you could kiss me?" Memes giggled poking his cheek playfully making Blaza pout "...Nooo of course not~" Blaza grumbled "Then why did you wake me up?" Meme asked "Because I have something important to tell you.." Blaza said "Oh really? What is it?" Meme asked curiously. "Well.. I've been thinking about it a lot and I think I wanna marry you.." Blaza said blushing slightly. "Marry me?" Meme asked Giggling "Yes! I would live to marry you and have Kids!, Our own Kingdom and We could even have Sex! I mean That's how you make Kids..." "What! Sex!? NO- No No we're supposed to be Enemies- we aren't supposed to even be Near each Other!" Meme  said flustered looking away hiding his burning cheeks with his hands. "But I'd be your Enemy.. I'd destroy you like they said I did.. I dont understand how you haven't killed me by now.. but I guess your too afraid... But I'm willing to show you just how amazing I can be... I could Destroy you in my Own way in I want.." Blaza Whispered smirking Making Meme look up at him with a Red Face "W-what!? N-NO!.. I! Ugh.. Ughmm.."  "Come on.. Don't tell me what you want me to do..." He smiled seductively " need to let me sleep.. I'm tired.."  "I Could make you even More tired and I could make you not able to move and Sore for a little bit if you want!~" Blaza Teased grinning  mischievously at him. "Hmph.. Just shut up and Sleep already! You can tell me everything tomorrow okay? Go back to your place I'll go mine.." Meme said standing up. "But I don't want you to leave, my precious Doll~" Blaza whined hugging him. "Let me go! Blaza!~" Meme Struggled to get out of his Grip , Blaza chuckled pulling his face closer and kissing him on the lips. "I Love you my Little Puppet~"
Meme froze a blush forming on his face, "WHA.. WHAT ARE YOU SAYING BLAZA?!... I NEVER KNEW YOU LIKE THIS!?" Meme yelled confused . Blaza looked at him with a raised Eyebrow "Are you kidding?! I love every part of you and I never stop loving you! You're such an adorable creature~ I can tell you were very shy and scared when you were younger I always wanted to protect you, and I love the fact that you were so helpless.. I would have loved to take advantage off you..." Blaza  said smirking and grabbing one of Meme Hands and squeezing it a little bit. "Please.. Don't touch me.." Meme whined pulling his hand away. Blaza then wrapped his arm around his waist, hugging him "Don't be nervous baby doll... I wont hurt you I promise" He whispered into his ear. "B-blaza.. P-please st-top.." Meme Whispered. Blaza pulled him into a Kiss, Meme Didn't even fight back he just melted into the Kiss.   After a few minutes Blaza broke the kiss, staring at Meme with loving Blue Eyes. "I promise you that I'll never hurt you.. But only if you promise me to be my Wife! Will you do that for me?" Blaza whispered. Meme thought for a while, his mind racing. "Blaza.. you know that we're Enemies right..? we can't be together!.. The love Kingdom is planning on attacking soon and if someone from your Nation finds us like this They will execute me.." Meme  whispered softly, Blaza just hugged him tightly, "I Promise.." Blaza whispered back "Promise?" Meme asked Blaza simply nodding "Okay I'll be yours.." He said. Blaza smiled brightly happy to hear that "Thank you my Doll.. I love you so much~" Blaza said Kissing his forehead. "C'mon Baby Doll! let's go to Bed! it's night.." Blaza said, picking Meme up throwing him over his shoulder "H-Hey! W-where are-" "Sssssh~ quiet love~ I'm just taking you to Bed!" Blaza reassured him. Meme Groaned blushing  deeply from the embarrassing position "Wahh! Put me down!!! Bwahahahaha hahahahah!! Stop S-Stop~!! Stop!!" He said giggling and slapping his butt repeatedly. "You're such a fun Baby Doll~ I love having you~" Blaza laughed as Meme was giggling more "S-Stop!! B-Bla-HAHAHAA!!~" Meme Started Laughing loudly as Blaza started tickling  his sides "Ahhhhhh! Bla..aaaahhaa!! HAHAHAHA!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" "Now you're getting there!~" Blaza cooed "Ffffff~!!!! Hahaha!! Ohhh ohh~! HaHAHAHAHAHA!!!! AHAHAHA!" "Say it again!!!" "I I- C-CANT- AHAAA! AHAHA!!!" Meme was almost out of Breath  from laughing so hard. "Come on you big baby! Say it again~!" "Aaahahahahaha!!! FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUuuuck!!!" Meme roared with laughter holding his stomach as he was struggling and trying to push himself away from Blaza, his laugh filled with Pure joy. "I-IM Y-YOURS!! AHAHaa!" Blaza soon stop smiling "That's more like it~" "P-put me D-Down pl-please.." Meme pleaded Out of breath "Hmmm Nah.. I like having your Ass next to my Face~" Blaza Teased. "Shut up.." Meme Mumbled Blaza placed him down once they got in the Room pinning him against the Wall. "What was that?~..." "Uh-umm.. N-nothing?.." Meme muttered looking up at him  shyly. "Hmm.." Blaza hummed smirking "It seems like it wasn't nothing.. Why dont you tell me the truth..~ I promise you I wont kill you" Blaza whispered into his ear making his knees weak. "B..but I didn't say anything..."  "You're cute when you deny it" Blaza smiled leaning on the wall above him, still smirking. "Tch.. I.. uhhh..." Meme gulped "Just say yes or no." Blaza sighed. "Fine..." "Good~ Now close your eyes." "Why?..." Meme Asked confused "just close them" Blaza replied placing two fingers under Memes chin and closing his eyes for him "Good. Now kiss me." Blaza said kissing him deeply. Meme moaned into the kiss deepening the kiss more as Blaza's tongue entered his mouth sliding past his teeth gently, he tasted like cookies and coffee. He pulled away with a little saliva connecting they're Tongues "Hmm~.. See was it that bad?~..." Blaza Asked Grinning "Mmm.. I guess.. not really.." Meme Mumbled smiling slightly. Blaza smiled kissing his Cheek gently  "Good~ Now open your eyes~" "Why?.."  "Open them.. and see~" Blaza grinned "Aww~ My favorite Doll is opening his eyes~" He cooed pressing their foreheads together "I'm not yours!" Meme huffed pouting blushing. "But you're mine~ Come on~ I Marked you~" Blaza Smirked Memes Eyes widen "Wh-What!? You Marked Me?!" Blaza Nodded Smiling "W-what!! Wh-hy Did you Mark Me!? You know how Much my Parent-" Blaza Cut him off by leaning in Kissing before Pulling away "Chill Doll~.. And either their not your Real Parents. They can't do anything to You.." "But they can still Execute Me! Their the King and Queen!" Meme Panicked "Calm down Love.." Blaza smiled "My name is not Love..." He snapped angrily

"Then what is it?", "No one calls me that but my Mother, My Father and my Best Friend

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"Then what is it?", "No one calls me that but my Mother, My Father and my Best Friend..." He growled glaring at Blaza "Your really cute when you're angry~~" He teased wrapping his arms around his waist "Dont call me Cute..!" Meme Groaned trying to Hide his Blushy Face. Blaza let out a low Laugh nibbling his Neck Gently "C-can I l-leave Now? I need to go to a Village.." Meme Asked "Hmmm.. Why do you need to go to a Village?" Blaza Replied "I need to Find The Life Stone and the Death stone so I can  destroy their Magic." "Why do you need to destroy their Magic?"  "I'm gonna find a way bring back my Father.."  He answered, Blaza raised his eyebrow "How long does it take to Destroy their Magic?"  "About 5 years.." Meme said
"I can help you with that." Blaza Said kissing Memes jaw softly. "Really..?? Then I'll take you with me.." "Okay...~ Let's Go then I have some Weapons in my Closet" Meme Nodded.

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