Do the eyes upset you?
Why are you lowering your head?
Cause I see you slumping around
Like you have heavy, rusted, metal chains hanging from your neck
The chains have gotten heavier and harder to carry over time
With all the weight of the words from the evasive eyes
Conversing and telling you lies,
the chains then steadied themselves on your neck
permanently engraving into your skin
weighing you down
to keep you from reaching normal standards
that all the eyes expect from you
As you walk around, eyes lowered, surrounded by eyes,
As much as you try to deny it, compromise with it,
These chains full of eyes are always there, pulling and squeezing
you tight and tighter and tighter untill it is unbearable.
Every moment you try to greet another eye
The chains squeeze around you, trying to take you down,
praying you to just walk away
and as much as you want to deny the chains
while it screams its pressing painful pleads,
you give into its needs
and walk away
(man i literally wrote this for school- anyways thats it hope u wnjoyed)