Countdown To Yuletide Chapter 16 Part Two Pembroke Territory

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The next day, Lord Andrew Charles, Lady Karissa, Lord Richard William Carey wake up and they all have breakfast with Lord David William Beck Senior and Lady Katherine and the children eat breakfast together before they depart from  White-Hall Manor and head for Wessex Territory where they will be met by Lord Andrew Charles first cousin, Lord Richard Edward Howard II, Lady Susan and their children, Lord Richard Edward Howard III and Lady Joan Isabella Howard.

Lord Richard Edward Howard II is the son of Lord Richard Edward Howard Senior who is the second son of Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior and he is the younger brother of Lord Charles Andrew Howard Jr an he married Lady Beatrice Bourbon and they had Lord Richard Edward Howard II in 2250,  and he married Lady Susan Virginia Bell in 2275 and in September of 2276 they had Lord Richard Edward Howard III and in 2281 they had Lady Joan Isabella Howard.

Lord Richard Edward Howard II is Lord Andrew Charles Howard biggest ally and he was created Duke of Wessex Territory by Lord Andrew Charles Howard in the name of their great-great-grandfather, Lord Patrick William Howard.

Neither care for their grandfather, Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR or their great-grandfather, Lord Frederick William Howard like their father's before them.

Lady Elizabeth, Lad Samhain, Lord Anthony, Lady Albert Edward, Lady Anastasia Christina and  Lady Sophia Dorothea and Lord David William Beck Senior are Lord Richard Edward III and Lady Joan Isabella second cousins. They all share the same terrible great-grandfather,Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR.

Lord Andrew Charles explains it this way " No accounting for good taste. I don't know why my great-grandmother didn't drown my grandfather when he was born." 

Lord Richard Edward Howard II tells his first cousin " How would we have come about if our great-grandmother drowned o"ur grandfather and without him we wouldn't be here."  

"I am sure Odin would have found away." Lord Andrew Charles tells his cousin.

"Lord Alexander Charles Stuart feels the same way about our grandfather, Lord David Alexander Stuart and he told me that he was  stingy miser just our grandfather, Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lord Richard Edward II.

"Lord Alexander Charles said it was too bad that Lord David Alexander Stuart and Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior didn't marry each other. " Lord Andrew Charles says with a laugh.

"No wonder why my father never speaks of his father." Lord Andrew Charles tells his first cousin.

Lord David William Beck Senior travels in front of the Carey-Howard carriages safely to the border of Essex and Wessex Territories and Lady Karissa tells him " We will see you at Beltane Manor when we return to Beltane Manor." 

Lord Richard Edward Howard II and his heir, Lord Richard Edward Howard III see the Carey-Howard carriage cross the border into Wessex Territory and Lord Richard Edward Howard II walks over " What took you so damn long, Lord Andrew Charles?"

"We had to have breakfast and get things packed up." Lord Andrew Charles tells his first cousin, Lord Richard Edward II.

Lord Richard Edward Howard II greets his second cousin, Lord Richard William Carey and he is Lord Richard Edward Howard III third cousin and Lady Caroline Matilda and Lord Benjamin Lawrence are his third cousin once removed. 

Lord Richard Edward Howard III walks over to the Howard carriage and he smiles when he sees his second cousin, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane and he tells her " I am sure glad to see you Lady Elizabeth." 

"I am happy to see you Lady Samhain,  Lady Caroline Matilda, Lord Albert Edward, Lord Anthony Christopher, Lady Anastasia Christina, Lord Benny and Lady Sophia Dorothea." Lord Richard Edward III tells them.

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