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"Class quiet down please," the principal said to the obnoxiously loud teenagers. They slowly started to quiet down before going silent. "Now, your new teacher should be here any second now. Please, give me a good impression."

They all stared at their principal, multiple of them rolling their eyes.

The door opened, the soft sound of heels clicking the floor. A woman that really wasn't that tall, but seemed tall with the heels, walked in.

She was in a black dress with a long blazer covering her body. Her hair was a jet black, curled and styled precisely.

Boys eyes immediately went to her chest, staring at the small cleavage that was showing

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Boys eyes immediately went to her chest, staring at the small cleavage that was showing.

"Students, this is Miss. O'Connell, your new teacher."

Some just stared in awe, some still looking annoyed, and others smiling.

Miss. O'Connell softly nodded her head with a small wave.

"Alright, I will leave you with them. If you have any trouble, just call me," the principal said with a small smile before leaving the room.

She set her stuff down on the desk, sighing before grabbing the attendance sheet. She looked around, still not saying a word before nodding.

"Ok well, I guess I will start matching faces to names," she said, standing in front of the class. "Andrew... Ella... Henry... Ben... William... Savanna... Ian... Anna... and... Giavanna," she said.

"It's Gia," she mumbled.

"I'm sorry. Could you speak up, love?"

"I said it's Gia," the girl said louder before rolling her eyes.

Miss. O'Connell furrowed her eyebrows. "Ok...," she said with a small attitude back.

Miss. O'Connell sat down on a stool, crossing her legs. "I guess I will open up to questions...," she said, looking around the room.

"How are your boobs so big?" Ben asked loudly.

The whole class bursted out in laughter, making Miss. O'Connell shake her head.

"Genetics, I guess. Anyone else?" She said.

"How old are you?" Ella asked.

"You shouldn't ask a teacher that, but I'm 22."

The students continued to ask questions, Miss O'Connell connecting with them even if they weren't the most appropriate questions.

Gia sat down at lunch with Anna and Ian.

"Miss. O'Connell is hot as fuck dude," Anna said.

"No literally," Ian said.

Gia wasn't even listening. She had her headphones in as she drew in her notebook.

miss o'connell REWRITTEN [BILLIE EILISH FANFICTION] Where stories live. Discover now