Saloonatics aftermath (Part 1) 🤎🤒

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Remember the Eddisode called "Saloonatics"? Yeah, so this takes place after Edd and the trio head home, more specifically, after Edd (for some reason-) decides to drink the almost 100-200 year old Cola, like this dumbass-

The rain soon stopped falling as soon as Edd finished reading Edward Gold's diary.

"...maybe England doesn't sound like such a bad idea... Huh." He spoke before he closed the book, a content smile on his face.

"Edd!" Tom called for after he managed to heave Matt out of the randomly placed cage that was conveniently left unlocked.

"S-Sheriff Thompson??" Edd answered back, still a bit dazed from reading Edward Gold's adventure.

"What?? No, I just needed some dry clothes." Tom spoke.

"Hey! The rain has stopped! Can we go home before it comes back for revenge??" Matt said, budging into the conversation a bit.

Edd turned back to the statue of Edward and glanced at an old Cola bottle from the 1800s.

He took it out of the pocket it was sitting in, letting it rest in his hand, analyzing the bottle.

"Everybody needs a little somethin'..." Edd soon then started taking the top of before pouring some of the very old (and very expired) drink.

After taking a good 5-6 sips, leaving half the bottle still there, he put it back and started walking back home with the others.

Edd soon started feeling minor pain in his stomach, but he brushed it off as cramps from walking so much.

It started getting worse, to the point where he had to cradle his abdominal area with his arms to somewhat subdue the pain.

When he finally got home, the first thing he did was take a nap. Maybe it might help with the pain?

Nope. It didn't. In fact, it just got worse again.

He laid there in bed, still cradling his stomach, still in immense pain.

He started trying to think of what might have caused this pain. Was it something he ate? No, he barely ate today. What did he do?

He thought harder and harder, till it hit him like a truck. Edd drank half a bottle of almost 200-year-old Cola. Oh god, was it really half a bottle?

Edd tried to remember if they had any Tylenol or ibuprofen. Eh, it might help a little bit. 

The brunet trotted over to the bathroom and started opening all the cabinets and drawers in search of some kind of pain reliever or a heating pad. 

He didn't know what he was looking for EXACTLY, but he just needed something to help with these cramps

In the middle of opening another drawer, he felt a wave of nausea fall over him, then Edd felt a bit of vile liquid rise from his stomach to his mouth as he reached for the toilet.

"Hrkkk-" He then vomited out the Old ass Cola into the toilet.

Tom just so happened to walk by as Edd went for a round two of puking.

"Hey Edd, yo-" Tom stopped in his tracks at the sight of his friend emptying his guts out.

"Jeez, Edd, you okay dude?? What happened??" Tom started walking over and into the bathroom over to his sick buddy.

"Ughhh... I-I'm fine T-Tom... MM-" Edd once again started vomiting after trying to reassure his friend that he was fine.

"How the fuck did this happen??" Tom soon was found looming over his pal, with slightly confused and concerned look on his face, if you could actually see what his emotions were.

"I may or may n-not have drunk half of an a-almost 200-year-old bottle of C-Cola...?" Edd said after he finished.





Jesus Christ, this is gonna be a long night... Tom thought.


After telling Matt of Edd's little "predicament", they decided it would be best to try and take care of Edd for the next few days. Or at least, Matt convinced Tom to.

"Alrighty Edd, just stay in bed for the rest of the day, k? Me and Tom will cook something to help you feel better, right Tom?" 

"Huh?- Oh, uh yeah, right-"

The other two males soon then left Edd's room, leaving him to his thoughts.

Why in the hell did I drink HALF A BOTTLE OF ALMOST 200-YEAR-OLD COLA??! Am I THAT dumb??

And to that I say, yes. Yes Edd, you are that dumb. And I think the readers agree...

                                                                       Part 2?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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