Arman & Rahim

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The night was cold and the darkness hung heavily in the air. Prince Arman, Prince of Persia and the two thrones, arrived at the palace gates accompanied by his loyal servant Rahim. The two had just returned from a long journey, traveling across the kingdom and beyond, and were weary from the long days of riding and walking.

As soon as they had arrived and the guards had let them in, the prince noticed a change in the air. Something was amiss. He quickly realized that the servants had been fleeing the palace and the guards were on full alert. Something was very wrong and he had to find out what was causing the disturbance.

Gathering a few of the loyal servants, he quickly began to search the palace for answers. After an hour or two, the prince found something that put his fears to rest; strange creatures from the world beyond the two thrones were attacking the palace,  and it was up to him to stop them.

As he ventured farther into the depths of the palace, gathering his courage and strength, Prince Arman equipped himself with the best weapons he could find available and began to battle the strange creatures. He and Rahim fought hard, but ultimately it became clear that the creatures were too powerful to take on alone.

In a last ditch effort, the prince called upon the power of the two thrones and used it to create a powerful shield to protect the palace from the monsters. Soon his efforts were rewarded when the creatures eventually retreated and the prince had saved the palace and all of its inhabitants.

In the aftermath of the siege, Prince Arman and his loyal servant Rahim were praised and respected for their brave actions. The prince was truly a worthy ruler; he had risked his life and defended the two thrones, ultimately preserving the peace and safety of the palace.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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