Killer in the dark

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[Keep in mind, it's been four months since I wrote something for Springlocked, so don't judge if it turns out shit, okay? And feel free to scream at me for abandoning you for so long]

Raiden's P.O.V

"Relax Ray-Ray, I'll wait for you in the car and then drive you back home." Robin says walking out the door. I roll my eyes at her.

"Me and Drake are gonna head home." Mike says, leading Drake out by the hand. "We'll see you guys tomorrow night."

"Alright. See yous tomorrow." Shawn says walking out with Michelle. I then close the door behind them and turn back to the dark, empty attraction. I let out a sigh.

"Lets get this shit over with." I grumble to myself. I then go around checking every room in the attraction. Supply closets, main area, security office, kitchen, arcade, it all looks dull and unused.

In other words, perfect.

"Okay, that's the last room I need to check." I say to myself. I then reach for my phone in my pocket, only to feel nothing.

"Fuck, where is my phone?" I ask myself. I look around and find it laying on one of the tables in the main area. I take a look at the time, 06:12 AM.

"Damn, that didn't take as long as I thought it would. Still got some time to spare before this place opens." I say to myself. As I turn to leave, I feel a chill run up my spine.

Someone's watching me.

I quickly turn around, only to find nothing there. That same chill find through my body again. I spot Shawn's toolbox on the ground next to the door and reach for a huge wrench sticking out the side.

"Who's there?" I shout out, my voice echoing through the entire horror attraction.

"You know we don't open yet, right? So get your ass out here, or else." I hear nothing at first, putting me at ease for a second.

"Wą§ ťhàţ ã țhřëaţ?"

I jumped and took a step backwards before spinning around and pointing the wrench in that direction. The voice sounded deep, glitched out, like something straight out of a bad dream.

"Show yourself!" I shouted. A pair of dull purple eyes suddenly illuminated in the darkness of the attraction a second later.

"BÔØ!" The voice said, scaring the living shit out of me. But I put on a brave face. A second later, they disappear. I turn around frantically, trying to find where they went.

"Ý'ķnøw, Í hàvëñ'ţ běəñ iņ å §ïțűāťìøń łìķé ťhìs în ýêåŕş..." the voice rang from behind me, but when I turned I saw nothing.

"Ï mīś§ thíś fèəļïñģ...țhë ffəėĺïnģ øf..."

I suddenly feel a hand pulling me from behind, then an arm wrapping around my neck in a chokehold. I struggle, trying to free myself from the guy's grip. I then see a purple light flicker onto my shirt from behind me.

"...ķîłĺįñģ §øměőņe..." the voice finishes. I could feel myself slowly falling unconscious, losing air, until I remember the wrench in my hand. With all the force I could muster, I swing my arm up at the attacker's face. I hear a loud metal clank, and the figure lets go of me, finally giving me a chance to breathe. I hold my throat, taking in big breaths.

"ØŪÇH!" The figure says, then growls. "Ýőùŕə đėæď!"

A split second later, I feel a stinging and agonising pain in my side. I scream out in pain. I look down and find a knife lodged in my side, blood spilling out onto the floor like a waterfall. I look up and find the figure slowly walking towards me with the wrench in his hand.

"Ťhīş ïs ğøñņå hûřť..." he says. He swings, landing a devastating blow on my knee. I feel and hear a sickening crack and I yell out in pain again, clutching my knee in pain. I feel another blow land on my arm. I scream again only to have another blow to my ribs. I start to cough up blood. I look up at the figure, who prepares another swing, which I manage to catch with my other hand. In response he lands a punch on the side of my head, which catches me off guard enough for him to land a blow with the wrench on the other side of my head with a nauseating crack. I fall to the ground, my vision starting to blur and fog. The figure laughs, a horrific and twisted laugh.

"Høw đöə§ īt feęľ? Ýœū mûşť bē ïn sø mųçh pæîn! Ïť'§ æ bəãūťifüł §ìģhţ ťø śêə!"

The figure laughs again, this time sounding more distant. All I can do is lay there, numb, motionless... my vision starts to blur more, slowly fading to black, and my hearing starts to fade. All feeling in my entire body starts to slowly disappear as the pool of my blood starts to get bigger and bigger. I look up at the figure, a purple glow coming from his eye illuminating his sick twisted smile.

He raises his arm for another swing...


Hello again everyone, I'm back. Hope I wasn't missed too much. Sorry for the extremely long wait, but I am back from my hiatus and am officially continuing on with Springlocked. I've put this book off for too long, and now I wanna get back into the swing of things.  I'll be posting chapters more frequently from now on, hopefully not every other month.

Also, happy New years everybody. I'm late, I know, but I thought I should wish everyone. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, see you in the next one.

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