Twist like a Rose's stem.

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It all started on the month of December 9, year 1873.

A fifteen year old boy was running towards the grassy fields, the cold wind chasing him, while the soft fabric embracing his body creating warmth.

As the boy jogged up to the old tree, he couldn't help but feel nostalgic about the memories he had with the old tree. Where everything started.

"Sunoo! Why aren't you wearing a scarf? Here, take mine," Riki said as he took off his scarf and rushed over to where Sunoo's sitting, he then sat down beside him as they both sat there quietly, watching as the little kids play in the snow, making snowmen, snow angels, and just having fun with their family.

"Are we just gonna stare? It is rude to just stare and not do anything." Sunoo laughed, he then picked up a random flower from the ground that has a few snowflakes on top as he gave it to Ni-ki.

"You never get tired with this, do you?" Ni-ki smiled as he gladly took the flower and held it with his other hand, he started plucking them one by one, while saying the words.

"He loves me..." one petal gone,

"He loves me not..." and another,

"He loves me..." and another...

"He loves me not..." and another.

Until he has reached the last petal, and said the phrase to end it all, he plucked it out and took Sunoo's hand in his and held it firmly.

"He loves me." Ni-ki smiled, and so did Sunoo.

"Yes, I love you."

Both of them leaned in as their forehead touched, their eyes closed as they sat there enjoying the moment.

.        .       .

December 9, 2022

"What happens next!? C'mon tell me! Tell me!"

"Alright... they both celebrated his birthday together and went home."

"Aww that's it?"

"You didn't let me finish, child. There's more to the story than just a happy ending."

.        .        .

November 1, 1875.

"Do you really have to go...?"

"I'm sorry.. but I need to do this." Ni-ki looked at Sunoo with sorrow in his eyes, he pulled Sunoo in for a hug as both of them cried.

Nishimura Riki was forced to join the army for war, there was a huge sum of money if he joined the army. He thought that it would help him and his family a lot. He told Sunoo about it but I guess he couldn't handle it.

"What if something bad happened to you? I-I can't imagine you being gone.." Sunoo sighed as he looked down, guilty that he's preventing Ni-ki to help his family.

"I won't, I promise. After the war, I'll come back home to you, safe and sound."

Ni-ki held Sunoo's face so he could look at him, when Sunoo did he saw the sincerity in Ni-ki's eyes. He was starting to get teary eyes again.

"Do you trust me?"

Sunoo sighed as he nodded, Ni-ki smiled and kissed Sunoo on the forehead, both in content.

He loves me, He loves me Not.Where stories live. Discover now