The DSMP's "quirks"

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(A/N: warning there will be some that'll have overpowered or multiple quirks, if you do not like that content, I advise you to leave this book immediately, I suggest you read 'Press Start' by Cutesykitty124)

(Edit: I apologize for the repetitive editing. I'm still in the ideation process, and still unsure if this is good enough. But please bare with me, I will upload the next chapter soon this January or February. I know that's long but please just bare with me, and I'm so sorry for the probably multiple notifs you're getting)

• Dream
Alias: Clayton Hunter
Claimed "Quirks": Marionette(Emitter), Albino Maedar(Mutation, Transformation)
Underground Hero: Dream Catcher
Marionette allows the user to shoot green-coloured strings out of their fingers that will attach to any creature or figure, dead or alive. The user will use the stringed individual to do as they please as long as the strings are still attached. The twine is indestructible and only untangled when the user wants to.
Albino Maedar grants the user to have snakes for hair, with the ability to turn anyone who makes eye contact with them to stone. As well as own similar features to that of an albino snake, possessing a long slim white tail and sharp fangs. Within those fangs is a venom that can spout on command.
The user can transform their lower half into a snake's counterpart, looking similar to Lamiae.

• Drista
Alias: Callista Hunter
Claimed "Quirks": Creative(Emitter), Chaotically Lucky(Emitter)
Dealer Hero: Miss-Fortune
Creative grants users the power to create, summon and gift anything, call anything into existence. The user also has the ability of flight, infinite stamina, and health, unable to receive damage and strips away the survival aspects of this world.
Chaotically Lucky is a quirk for the user to control fate, a person's actions, or the result of actions, theirs and others. Make fate and destiny do anything at their very whim and entertainment, their unwilling servants.

• LanuSky
Alias: Lani Undr Skor Schlatt Sora (Undr Skor= _, Schlatt is pretty self-explanatory, Sora means Sky)
Claimed "Quirks": Ewe(Mutation), Hive(Emitter)
Bumble Hero: LanuBee
Ewe is a quirk that allows one to gain similar features to a sheep.
Hive grants the user the ability to call out honey, attract bees, and control them to do whatever they please.

• Technoblade
Alias: Alexandre "Blade" Andrews
Claimed "quirks": Berserk Brute(Mutation)
Brute Hero?/Vigilante: Technoblade
Berserk Brute, the user will have multiple voices that can talk to the user. When all the voices desire one thing and demand so, the user will go berserk; will finish the solicited task whether the user like it or not. The user will also possess similar features to piglin brute; hooves, pink fur(hair), and enhanced abilities(hearing, smelling, etc.).
Things to note: The voices can also possess the user's shadow and have a somewhat physical form. In analogy, the shadow "voices" can hit someone, but that someone can't hit back, they only phase through.

• GeorgeNotFound
Alias: George Loreson (Lor-Son)
Claimed "Quirks": Error 404(Emitter), Mushroom(Emitter, Transformation)
Virus Hero: Agogric not found (A/N: Agogric is a combination of Gogy(his nickname) and agaric(a type of mushroom). Virus Hero is a reference to Error 404 (code sometimes caused by a virus), and fungi are known for their infectious diseases)
Error 404 is a quirk that allows the user to glitch out of reality but only whenever anyone touches the user with all five fingers. 'Till the person is away within 5-7 feet, the user will return to reality. The user will have just like waking up from a dream.
Mushroom is a quirk that will spread numerous types of fungus in the user's general area. They quickly grow into full-grown mushrooms once they reach a solid surface. The mushrooms will develop from various exteriors; the user's surroundings, the opponent's body, and their own body.

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